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Search results

  1. TypicalJalapeno

    Released Pokémon: A Passage Through Memories

    I've started playing it and it seems pretty good so far. EDIT: Finished it, it was amazing :) Keep up this. Looking forward for more entries from you in upcoming game jams.
  2. TypicalJalapeno

    Discussion Username Backstories

    Google play games random tag :joy:
  3. TypicalJalapeno

    In Development Pokémon Comet

    I can do some bit of sripting/eventing and I am pretty good in mapping forests and caves. If you need assistance, send me a direct message.
  4. TypicalJalapeno

    In Development Pokemon Theós

    Me too, I'll do what I am capable of, like spartalazor.
  5. TypicalJalapeno

    In Development Pokémon: Kanto Stories

    U may have to contact him either via his utube channel or maybe a direct message here WITH examples of past experience (this is to decide whether one is capable of assisting or not).
  6. TypicalJalapeno

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    Why not make it a dancer...
  7. TypicalJalapeno

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    Super hyped to make a rocket game :yum
  8. TypicalJalapeno

    Completed Pokémon: Attack on Silph. Co

    Well, franzo/noodlesbutt might have altered the speech of the head and the one who thanks Grey... A switch activated after the battle and added to grunt event via another page or erasing it after the switch is activated would most probably solve it. But it is too good a game to complain about...
  9. TypicalJalapeno

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    Assuming I spend 3-4 hours per day on making a game for relic castle game jam with Pokemon Essentials (and that I possess a sound knowledge of the system), the gameplay length being no more than an hour or two), would I be able to finish it in a month or two, or preferably within the time limit?
  10. TypicalJalapeno

    Tutorial Creating Your Own (Professional) Logo!

    search google; find pokemon logo like that (medium size quality) ; then google search for image; then select large option; then see; save highest quality which has transparent back...
  11. TypicalJalapeno

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    Not sure but: Sorry but a game you've already been working on doesn't count for the game jam :sweat: Planning ideas and getting a team together is okay, but any kind of work done on the game just spoils the fun and challenge of having the time limit! ` Aki
  12. TypicalJalapeno

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    when would the details be given? just curious...
  13. TypicalJalapeno

    Recruiting Fakemon and Region Spriters needed for Project Galaxy!!

    any other means of communication you can manage?
  14. TypicalJalapeno

    Recruiting Do you want to help advance Pokemon Sacred Johto?

    The least I can do is to make region/world maps and hopefully try to make custom frlg style overworlds...
  15. TypicalJalapeno

    Recruiting Fakemon and Region Spriters needed for Project Galaxy!!

    For making region/world maps, I'm in.
  16. TypicalJalapeno

    I am the author of Pokemon Prism

    NVM, the issue was solved.
  17. TypicalJalapeno

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Try Luka S.J.'s title screens and maybe PM him for that (How'd he manage to insert that and blah blah).
  18. TypicalJalapeno

    I am the author of Pokemon Prism

    Any idea where I can contact this person? Need to inform him about a serious matter.
  19. TypicalJalapeno

    How'd you give the protagonist a starter pokemon?

    As for me, I'll just give the player some pkmn in pokeballs and pkmn prof. will ask him to deliver them to the mart in the next city along with another person (the rival). Then due to a problem, they will have to use them to battle (wild pkmn or some evil team,etc.) Player chooses first, rival...
  20. TypicalJalapeno

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Well, the changelog of the script does say something... Might be of any benefit to you :)