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Search results

  1. ArchyArc

    Resource Textbook Script

    Love the script and even seems backwards compatible with v17 (except changing the closemenuSE) saw your future plans for it, specifically the background. Got suggestions for that, not that you need to take them but either way felt i'd share them as i might end up doing them myself. have the...
  2. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    All running great, one minor visual bug is sometimes the preview shows the items last seen in the previous category (e.g. i saw something in hair then look in tops it still shows the hair preview) however applying/wearing it works fine. Also, is there a way to manually set the base outside of...
  3. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    No issues this time, but i know base items cant have conflicting names but does it matter for variants? (e.g. i have a hoodie and a hat that have a variant called "black" issue) Also minus manually unlocking them is there anyway to have them all unlocked in debug mode?
  4. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    Riiight! sorry i just assumed it was in pictures, and my trainer card already uses introboy/girl, why i showed it but yea let me move them and see if it fixes it. okay so the base shows but after editing and saving the outfit only the base still shows. (do have the corresponding graphics for...
  5. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    Everything seems to run fine now and did it for the female one too so dw, im working on my intro boy stuff, i have a folder called "trainer front" then all the sections of the clothing aswell as their variants and the graphics in there, including a seperate base graphics folder with "trainer...
  6. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    yep it worked, outfits save but the error on loading resides, and its to do with corrupted saves, but usually it wont let you load the save. can try removing the script and seeing if its fine without but. (the issue usually only happens on old saves not new) okay so using a save prior to...
  7. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    boy_bike, boy_dive_offset, boy_fish_offset, boy_fishsurf_offset,boy_run,boy_surf_offset all exist, same for intro (i remvoed the stuff for mapplayer but its still there incase) however boy_surf_offset does not have _curr while all the others do
  8. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    Turned it off and it can run, however it calls "Unable to replace files. One of the neccessary files does not exist" and the outfit doesnt save. On loading it does the "oldsave thing", however unlike usual oldload stuff it runs fine after. this also happens on new saves, not the "unable to...
  9. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    Yea testing now, is there a way to, atleast for the dev, to call stuff to fix it working on old saves? have got it unlocking the base ones but it always refers to "retUnlockedAccessoryArray" since it cant call them or smth.
  10. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    (not got the above errors before but guessing in v17 or 18) did have the first error with the bases cuz i had the folder called "overwold walk" but yours all seem to match. quick question however (for OP) is there a way to tie the lock and unlock coding to items (not base but additional) so...
  11. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    the entire resource download not the script itself "http://www.mediafire.com/file/qpoo6bbamywfi73/Character+Customization.zip/file "
  12. ArchyArc

    Resource Advanced Character Customization

    glad someone did a reimagining of this, used the shiney one myself currently and for awhile, feeling i will update (thus testing for bugs ig) looks great. since its cross-compatible between v17 and 18 (not seen 18s changes yet) shouldnt be much issue with v16? feels like a relic still using it...
  13. ArchyArc

    Resource Essentials BuzzNav v18

    So i found a way to do it, not as effective and could be stream lined but gives you some pointers ^^ (for reference i am using Vendily's Outbreaks, so that a reference) before the two hightlighted areas where {1} and {2}. but if you go to "drawTextExMulti(@main ..." (remove the ... to find...
  14. ArchyArc

    Resource Essentials BuzzNav v18

    Very interesting and handy script for those wanting to incorporate news into games now, only question is there anyway to incorporate the use of variables or the use of {1} and etc. into the actual text? cant do brackets around the text with the bits after or INTL at the front. besides that its...
  15. ArchyArc

    Database for Move, Ability, and Item Ideas

    While the spreadsheet seems a bit left out, ideas never hurt, here are some ability ideas i have made so feel i should share Mutual Raises users defense if its partner is flying, and raises their partners speed. (could easily be any typings or stats) Intrusive Spikes On making Contact the foe...
  16. ArchyArc

    Resource NPC Battles (NPC vs. NPC)

    so most likely a v17 script to v16 thing (even though the only removal was that of the afterbattle thing) it pretty much breaks saves, moreso, before its fine, watch the battle then player pokemon items are broken (they are set to nil not 0 or the item (even if they have or havent got items)...
  17. ArchyArc

    Resource NPC Battles (NPC vs. NPC)

    So small issue, again might be a downgrade thing, when the npc on the players side loses there is no end speech (understandable) and the match ends almost abruptly and the pokemon icon bars remain (could be a thing to ebs too however) could easily fix this by swapping them around but felt i'd...
  18. ArchyArc

    Resource NPC Battles (NPC vs. NPC)

    Super interesting script, something i thought would be cool ages ago, glad to see someone technical did it! works mostly okay, in a single 1v1 battle however i get like the trainers VS animation with the BW protagonists with the weird long message (can provide a screenshot) but not in double...
  19. ArchyArc

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    oh okay, thank you, was having a semi panic attack about it! also that was a quick reply xP let me check if that fixes it... right yea that's all fixed, thank you for making me realise what was wrong, ^^
  20. ArchyArc

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    hey marin, had used the quest system when i was working on my game but after converting it over to my new pc (im still on 16.2 rn) there seems to be an error, that the quests script messed with sprite resizer? i dunno, just if i delete the quests script that error goes away (despite the tons of...