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Search results

  1. F

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    You have a discord channel so I can keep up to date with updates in the game? I just finished act 1 and it was a banger!
  2. F

    Completed Pokémon Nightmare

    is there a disc channel for this game? I just finished the current demo and would love to keep up to date with when the next major update goes live!
  3. F

    Completed Pokémon and the Last Wish

    What are the shiny chances in the game?are the starters shiny huntable?
  4. F

    Completed Pokemon Aureolin [Complete V1.4]

    I don’t know where to go help.(took a few days off and forgot where I was supposed to go) I beat the last gym leader, and now I don’t know how to get to the Pokémon league
  5. F

    Completed Pokemon Aureolin [Complete V1.4]

    How do I evolve magnaton into magnazone?
  6. F

    Completed Pokemon Aureolin [Complete V1.4]

    Is there no discord channel?
  7. F

    Completed Pokémon Heads & Tails

    Where’s blind grotto? I’m looking at my map and there is nothing called that
  8. F

    Completed Pokémon Heads & Tails

    Anyway for putting location spoilers for Pokémon’s? I’m trying to find abra, and I don’t know where to look I have the other 2 recorded in my Pokédex just don’t have abra recorded so I don’t know where I can find it
  9. F

    Completed Xenoverse: Per Aspera Ad Astra [by WeedleTeam]

    Why is dielebi so hard to encounter been at it for atleast 5+ hours not trying to encounter him (yes we are on the same route) 😔😭