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Search results

  1. TheGamingPaladin

    Relic Castle's 9th Anniversary

    Happy Birthday RC!
  2. TheGamingPaladin

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    way i see it if most of your Shinies are one specific color, that just screams that they put as much effort into the shinies as Game Freak did, which is an L in my book. and i'm not saying that better shinies are more important than Gameplay features or the like, far from it, i mean if they can...
  3. TheGamingPaladin

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    indeed, every shiny cant be Black, but on the ones that are, they look GOOD.
  4. TheGamingPaladin

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    ew, yeah i wouldnt like that either, that makes Shinys mandatory and that just aint right. looks are good enough to me.
  5. TheGamingPaladin

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    true, hence why i dont see customizable shinys as a thing, but we the community can at least give each other better shinys worth hunting.
  6. TheGamingPaladin

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    fair Blue Mew with Purple blush would be a nice contrast to the little Pink leggo. and Mewtwo in Black for Main color with maybe Green Secondary would be pretty cool, kinda like Zygarde is pretty cool by default.
  7. TheGamingPaladin

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    is there a Pokemon that you LOVE, but HATE it's Shiny Sprite? what would you change to make it better? i'll start! i love the Charizard line, but Gen 2 and onward, Charmander and Charmeleon have TERRIBLE Shiny Sprites! Charizard gets this bad to the bone Black tint, while his pre-evolutions go...
  8. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Pokémon Sacred Phoenix

    wow, this is definitely a unique setting for Pokemon, i like that AZ from X/Y is in it, that really gives this a canonical flair. the death mechanics are a bit intimidating, but that just means that i have to be more cautious, and from the sound of things not over grind either, lest my pokemon...
  9. TheGamingPaladin

    Completed Pokémon Tectonic

    wow, this project sounds insane! and i mean that in a nice way, rebalancing while adding all pokemon with new moves and abilities? yowza! that's a LOT of work i can imagine, since even Game Freak themselves havent performed such an undertaking in all the years they've been making Pokemon with...
  10. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Pokemon Undercovered

    "Part 2 will release soon.." will it though? i hope so, it's always sad when someone's passion project doesnt get finished.
  11. TheGamingPaladin

    In Development Pokemon Virtue

    almost 2 years and nothing, seems like it's abandoned, what a shame, i wanted to see what the mons were and what they could do. not to mention the rest of the game... sigh the road not taken...
  12. TheGamingPaladin

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    i'm gonna be honest, i dont respond well to games with time limits, but i definitely want to try this out, so i'm downloading it, because it's a cool premise and i'm just a stick in the mud when it comes to time constraints. XD
  13. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Pokemon: The Two Towers

    cool theme, added to my collection, will have to let you know what i think after i play it.
  14. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Pokémon: Trick-Or-Treat

    i am really digging the dedication to the theme here, i love Halloween and always have, but it's sadly overlooked and underrated, we all need to keep the spirit of halloween alive however we can.
  15. TheGamingPaladin

    Completed PokéSouls: Episode Charmander

    even before playing this i want to see more like this, it looks cool AF and it's very "Pokemon", low on the violence but definitely something you could see happening in the Anime, exactly what a Pokemon Fan Game should be. also in my headcanon, this Charmander is named Charlie and he's out to...
  16. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Project Maple - A Canadian Pokémon Fangame [Part 1 - v1.3.3b]

    Liked and Watching this, downloaded the demo, will have to get around to playing it, but i definitely see this being in my fangame collection.
  17. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Project Untamed

    Liked and Watching, this sounds cool, another game where i end up loving the fire type and liking the others. XD
  18. TheGamingPaladin

    In Development Secrets of the Ages

    ok, this idea is fire, even Rian's take of the Trash Pokemon is fire, seriously a bag of treasure is way better than "Heftymon" from Game Freak lol i wish that there was a demo of this game out, but i'm glad that progress is being made and the passion is visibly apparent, i look forward to...
  19. TheGamingPaladin

    Released Pokemon Shadow of the dragon (v0.3)

    lemme know when you finish, this is an interesting idea.
  20. TheGamingPaladin

    Completed Lost Hope v1.2 (Clay Corridor Fix)

    the very look from the screenshots and the description of the game is making the oldschool Lavender Town theme play in my head, my spidey sense is tingling already.