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Search results

  1. J_Does...Something

    Resource BW Location Signposts (v19.1)

    This works on 21.1, you just have to mess with the X/Y positions because its off a little but other wise it works pretty well!
  2. J_Does...Something

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    Never mind, I just had to do it through the trainer.txt thing in the ebdx pbs folder
  3. J_Does...Something

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Alright thanks lol, Would I be able to use the icons from gen 8 style with the vanilla style graphics?
  4. J_Does...Something

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Do all the pokemon have icons cus I added Koraidon to my party and it doesnt have an icon lol, Just asking in case I did something wrong
  5. J_Does...Something

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    Is there a way to fix the victory music not playing when you defeat a trainer? What I mean is like, The default one plays but not the one I have set for the specific trainer.
  6. J_Does...Something

    Resource Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks [v21.1]

    What are all the memento names I can put on a trainers Pokémon other than Memento = CHAMPION?
  7. J_Does...Something

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Oh, I didnt see that, Thanks for letting me know Lin😅
  8. J_Does...Something

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Lol Ik, I was asking the creator. Thanks for trying to help out tho, I appreciate it lol.
  9. J_Does...Something

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Out of curiosity, Will you ever make a version of this for v21+?
  10. J_Does...Something

    Resource BW Speech Bubble

    Lol all good, Thanks for helping out though, I really appreciate it!
  11. J_Does...Something

    Resource BW Speech Bubble

    Is there a way to make the type 1 speech bubble appear over the player? (Also thanks for your help on my last question) Edit: I saw No pro bro also asked this same question, my bad.