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Search results

  1. M

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    i dont know what i did wrong but if i do as u explained i still have the same error x/ update: i have done it 100 times now and it dosn´t work , i use the old PBS compile data after that i switch in the new PBS now i am asked to change some datas cause they allready exist in the old PBS so i...
  2. M

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Thank u <3 that helped a lot
  3. M

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Hi idk how but the problem is solved, i also had a problem with 2 connected maps where an Bridge event i created dosnt worked with follow pokemon but the problem was it had the same ID (in my case 001) as the follow Pokemon event on the other map and so i just made a new event with a different...
  4. M

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Hi i have a bug with Pokemon Follow i cant let pokemon like Gyarados from the Demoparty and Pokemon like Steelix follow me Overworld, also if i walk over some bridges that use the pbBridge.ON script it dosnt work as it should and dont turn on the Bridge, this dosnt change if i stop Pokemon to...
  5. M

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    hi i am new to this whole pokemon essential thing and i have problems useing the Gen 9 pack 1.problem is that if i start the DEBUG i cant give me some of the new Pokemon. 2. is a Compile datas bug wich looks like this: -> Compiling PBS file town_map.txt...done -> Compiling PBS file...