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Search results

  1. TeraPulse

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    You can add it yourself, if you know how to code it in. Go to your game's folder. Click plugins, and then Voltseon's Pause Menu, not VPM. Right click 005_VoltseonMenu_Entries.rb, and open it with Notepad (or Notepad++ if you have it). Scroll down to the bottom where you'll see the entry for...
  2. TeraPulse

    Resource Vial of Glitter - An item that makes your pokemon shiny!

    Would there be a way to tell that the Pokemon has had a vial of glitter been used on? I don't really want people "flexing" their shinies only for it to turn out to be a VoG shiny.
  3. TeraPulse

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    It's fixed that issue, but now I'm getting this: [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7] Script error in event 1 (coords 3,10), map 48 (Route 3) Exception: SyntaxError Message: (eval):2: syntax error, unexpected (, expecting ')' ("orange"), true) ^ (eval):2: syntax error...
  4. TeraPulse

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    I'm getting this error when I try and activate a quest: [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7] Script error in event 1 (coords 3,10), map 48 (Route 3) Exception: NameError Message: undefined local variable or method `orange' for #<Interpreter @event_id: 1> ***Full script...
  5. TeraPulse

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    I don't see the .dat file, only the RXData file. Did you mean that one or is it just not appearing?
  6. TeraPulse

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    What do you mean by refresh? Also yes, it does say 1.2.1.
  7. TeraPulse

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    I've downloaded the file from this page. Downloaded it again once it said this, and still it says I have an outdated version. Can anyone help?
  8. TeraPulse

    Resource Legendary Breeding [v20.1]

    Does this plugin override any changed PBS data? I’ve made my own fakemon with their data and I’m worried if they get deleted because of it. I know I can just copy all of it, but still.
  9. TeraPulse

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Does this work with the Gen 9 Resource Pack, or is it not able to atm?
  10. TeraPulse

    Resource Modular Title Screen

    I cannot understand where you put the modifiers. At first, I thought it might have been where it says to add the modifiers, but that didn't change anything. So then I put it after the "module ModularTitle::" bit, but now it says something else is wrong. Does anybody know where to put it? I'm...
  11. TeraPulse

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    Got everything fixed, by the way. Don't know how, it just worked.
  12. TeraPulse

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    Honestly don't know how this happened but I get this message when I open the party screen: I haven't done anything at all.
  13. TeraPulse

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    I don't see the .dat file, just the .rxdata file. I think it's best if I just get the normal summary screen.
  14. TeraPulse

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    I've recompiled all data and it still hasn't helped. I don't have any backups with the old graphics either.
  15. TeraPulse

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    By recompile, you mean using the actual debug menu or refreshing the scripts?
  16. TeraPulse

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    I have a bit of a problem: Does anybody know a fix? Do I need to move the sprite position?