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Search results

  1. KRLW890

    Released Pokémon Blooming Beast - Chapters 1-3

    Yes, it works like HGSS where you can see the shininess of all three at once before making your choice.
  2. KRLW890

    Animations The Gen 9 Move Animation Project - Addressing technical issues

    Not a content update this time, but we've been having a number of users reporting issues when trying to install / use these animations for a while now. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to recreate these errors at all on my end, which makes fixing them difficult. However, I still want to offer...
  3. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    KRLW890 updated The Gen 9 Move Animation Project with a new update entry: Addressing technical issues Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. KRLW890

    Released Pokémon Blooming Beast - Chapters 1-3

    Since JoiPlay's August update, there haven't been any issues reported with JoiPlay, so it seems like the game works fine on mobile now.
  5. KRLW890

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    Yeah, this plugin won't work for v21.
  6. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Is it the charging animation or the actual move animation? Or both?
  7. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    KRLW890 updated The Gen 9 Move Animation Project with a new update entry: New moves and common animations + formatting issues resolved Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. KRLW890

    Animations The Gen 9 Move Animation Project - New moves and common animations + formatting issues resolved

    Been wanting to put out an update for a while now but it just kept slipping my mind. But we've got a new update now, adding the following animations: Frostbite and drowsiness are just copied and renamed from frozen and sleep, so it's the same animations, but the Gen 9 Pack should use them by...
  9. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    I noticed that too, I've been meaning to put out a new update with fixes like that and a few more moves, expect that sometime within the next 24 hours.
  10. KRLW890

    Released Pokémon Blooming Beast - Chapters 1-3

    v0.3.2 patch A quick, minor patch with some bug fixes: Fixed a bug that in semi-rare cases would crash the game when talking to Amy Fixed a bug that prevented Magmar, Electabuzz, and Tinkatuff from evolving into their final forms Adjusted berry growing times and removed the replant system...
  11. KRLW890

    Released Pokémon Blooming Beast - Chapters 1-3

    v0.3.1 patch Just a minor update to put some extra polish on some things that were missed in the rush to release chapter 3: Adjusted early route encounters; notably, this adds the Sizzlipede line to the game’s dex Added conversation dialogue for Randall Berries planted by the player now grow...
  12. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Sure. If you could send me the exported .anm either over Discord (my username is krlw890) or by uploading to google drive or mediafire, we'd appreciate that. If you only used graphics / audio that already came with this package, the .anm file is all that's needed, but if added any custom...
  13. KRLW890

    Released Pokémon Blooming Beast - Chapters 1-3

    Pokémon Blooming Beast chapter 3 Chapter 3 is finally here! This massive update doubles the size of the game, adding new areas to explore, new characters to interact with, and new fakemon to discover. This brings the game up to gym 6, with an estimated 10 hours of playtime, excluding optional...
  14. KRLW890

    Released Pokémon Blooming Beast - Chapters 1-3

    v0.2.5 patch and chapter 3 news The last patch for chapter 2 is here, mostly as a little thing in preparation of chapter 3. It overhauls a lot of stuff under the hood, but in terms of actual content, not too much has changed. Though there are a few noticeable additions: Revamped the Coreop...
  15. KRLW890

    Animations The Gen 9 Move Animation Project - Z-Move update

    Managed to export all the missing Z-Move animations from Reborn and convert them to the modern Essentials format. Also added an animation for Blood Moon. This actually happened a little while ago but couldn't update it here until now for obvious reasons :P
  16. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    KRLW890 updated The Gen 9 Move Animation Project with a new update entry: Z-Move update Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. KRLW890

    Resource Essentials Deluxe [v20.1] [DEPRECATED]

    The old guide got deleted, but here's an archive of it. You have to start a new save file after adding Deluxe, old save files will crash when you look at the Pokedex.
  18. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    If you're using Essentials v20.1, you can use this plugin to add a search bar to the move animation editor. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get it working for v21.1. If you're using v21, I made this move list dump so that you can really easily ctrl+F it and get the move's number. If you...
  19. KRLW890

    Other Feedback for some ideas

    Unless you're trying to put a big focus on double battles in your game just in general, 70% of grass encounters being a double encounter sounds a bit high. Especially if you can't catch Pokemon if there's more than one left, which is what Essentials does by default (and I'm not sure if there's...
  20. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Did you remember to compile your game after adding the new PkmnAnimations file? If you don't, the game will take a while to load the new animations when first using them, and there might be a few other minor side effects I don't know about. Just make sure you do a full compile and you should be...