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Search results

  1. MickTK

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Does anyone know what the license is? In the updates section there is "feel free to add-on or extend this resource as you please" but it didn't say anything about modifying or updating.
  2. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    The crash on soft resetting should be fixed 🙂 here are the changes.
  3. MickTK

    v21.1 Pokémon Color Variants - v1.2.1 Update

    Removed Bitmap class overrides
  4. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    MickTK updated Pokémon Color Variants with a new update entry: v1.2.1 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Hi Penelope! I tried to reproduce the error recreating the same context shown in your video using only Pokemon Color Variants as plugin. The error didn't appear. Probably there is a plugin (inside your project) that overrides one or more methods defined in PCV. I'm not sure what is the problem...
  6. MickTK

    v21.1 Pokémon Color Variants - v1.2.0 Update

    Updated the plugin to work on Essentials v21.1 Added a pokémon variant star icon Added an hue editor interface for modify the pokémons in real time Modified the breeding mechanic to be more similar to shiny breeding Modified the egg hatching scene to work with the plugin Modified configuration...
  7. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    MickTK updated Pokemon Color Variants with a new update entry: v1.2.0 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Yep, work in progress 🙂
  9. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Hi, RyssyRys! With the latest version I deleted that method, so here is what you need to do: 1. Open the file Following Pokemon EX > Main Module > Event_Sprite Commands.rb from the plugin folder. 2. Go to the method def self.change_sprite(pkmn). 3. Delete the row...
  10. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    1. Yes. Here are all the guides you need: Defining an item, Item effects. Basically the item should set a value for the hue attribute like this pokemon.hue = <value>, where the value is a positive number between 0 and 359 (included) (0 is the default color). 2. Yes. Setting...
  11. MickTK

    v21.1 Pokémon Color Variants - v1.1.0 Update

    Hue can now be applied to icons Hue can now be applied to trainer's pokemons Hue can now be applied to shiny and/or super shiny exclusively Added a debug menu Added compatibility with Visible Overworld Wild Encounters plugin
  12. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    MickTK updated Pokemon Color Variants with a new update entry: v1.1.0 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    As I can see you are really liking the plugin! Sorry if I don't answer you here or in dm but at the moment I'm very busy due to university stuff. Big plans for the plugin are planned though, besides adding features based on your suggestions. Thank you all for the feedback ❤️ I should be back in...
  14. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Nope, only wild/player pokémons. Try to add Optional = v20.1 Hotfixes,1.0 inside the meta.txt file.
  15. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Thank you for the feedback, I will consider your suggestions for the next version of the plugin! :)
  16. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    I think the problem was that the plugins were loaded in the wrong order. Tried with vanilla Essentials and with some plugins like: Following Pokemon EX, Gen 8 Pack, Essentials Deluxe and it should works now. Basically these plugins override the same method so the last plugin that is compiled...
  17. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    MickTK updated Pokemon Color Variants with a new update entry: v1.0.1 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. MickTK

    v21.1 Pokémon Color Variants - v1.0.1 Update

    Fixed compatibility bugs with third party plugins
  19. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Sorry if I ask but are you sure you installed it correctly? When compiling you should see: -> Loaded plugin: Pokemon Color Variants (ver. 1.0.0). This may explain the no variants spawning and the error shown in the picture. About the error: make sure to follow the exact syntax writed on Github...
  20. MickTK

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Since essentials uses the same icon for normal and shiny pokémon I thought it was better to use them aswell for a hue variant. Probably you are trying to use specific and no specific hues simultaneously. If SPECIFIC_HUE_ONLY is set to true you have to specify the hue variants for each pokémon...