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Search results

  1. neoncityrain

    Resource Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections

    It is compatible with anything you put it in. They are graphics. All you need to do is replace the parameters you used in the PBS. I do believe I used both the Gen 8 and Gen 9 pack for this, so that is an error on my part text-wise.
  2. neoncityrain

    Entertainment What's your favorite Pokémon?

    My favourite ever is Cinccino! A rather niche mon that gets super overlooked, but it has a very special place in my heart. I used to play competitively and let me tell you, people really hate getting beat by a chinchilla. Also, it's just plain cute... the 2014 championships may have influenced...
  3. neoncityrain

    Battlers Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections - Backsprites added

    The pack has been updated to include some more dynamic backsprites as well, using the animated sprites from HGSS. This DOES NOT include shiny backsprites.
  4. neoncityrain

    Resource Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections

    neoncityrain updated Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections with a new update entry: Backsprites added Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. neoncityrain

    Short-term Pokémon Reflected Hearts

    Welcome to Reflected Hearts, a fangame that hops between two worlds! We are seeking people who can work on tilesets (making of maps themselves not necessary)! This fangame was originally intended to be for Game Jam 9 under the theme of "dimensions," but we ended up with a few too many...
  6. neoncityrain

    Freelance [COMMISSION or TRADE] Character design, music, spritework

    I am now offering my services in exchange for custom code work! I have some ideas for a game that I am working on but sometimes slog through the programming part, and thus have decided to open my commissions to trades as well. Please do add me on Discord under the username NeonCityRain if this...
  7. neoncityrain

    First time making a fan game - some questions about trainer teams

    Now, that depends on what KIND of team you're trying to build. Most NPCs in the main series game's overworld are based around 1-3 Pokémon, which generally have default moves- the way I like to think of those isn't strategy, but rather: What kind of trainer are they? A fledgeling trainer will...
  8. neoncityrain

    Resource The Gen 4-Style Gen 5 and Beyond Backsprite Resource

    Alright! Here are a bunch, then! While gen 5 exists in the files, most sprites are incredibly odd and wonky, I imagine because they are gen 5 edits, and not at all gen 4 style. I decided to tackle many gen 5 mons for this reason. I redownloaded, and apparently some of my sprites seem to have...
  9. neoncityrain

    Freelance [COMMISSION or TRADE] Character design, music, spritework

    I have decided to offer my work in exchange for either USD or for coders. If you can write code for Essentials or make custom tilesets in either Gen 3 or PMD style, I'll be willing to trade your services for some art! Expertise: I am best with character / fakemon designs. I've been doing pixel...
  10. neoncityrain

    Battlers Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections - Backsprite corrections

    In changing some things in my game, I noticed that some backsprites had odd pixel fuzz on them and some had errors. I went through and fixed these, adding another folder to the group.
  11. neoncityrain

    Resource Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections

    neoncityrain updated Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Correction with a new update entry: Backsprite corrections Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. neoncityrain

    Resource The Gen 4-Style Gen 5 and Beyond Backsprite Resource

    Hello! Apologies if this is unwarranted, but would others be able to contribute to this project, and if yes then what are the exact rules for doing so? I have been playing with making and editing sprites lately for a game that a friend and I are tossing ideas around for, but tend to be a bit of...
  13. neoncityrain

    Battlers Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections - Sprites aligned

    Sprites should now line up nicely with their shadows. A metric .txt has been added to the files for installation. Unless errors or issues come up, this pack is considered completed.
  14. neoncityrain

    Resource Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections

    neoncityrain updated Dynamic Battle Sprites with a new update entry: Sprites aligned Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. neoncityrain

    Battlers Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections - All sprites uploaded

    The sprites I plan to add should all now be accessible, and includes a fix for Zoroark's odd nose as well (because that's annoyed me for years). All sprites that I plan to implement are now in the drive. I plan to make a public metrics file and then call this a wrap. Cheers!
  16. neoncityrain

    Resource Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections

    neoncityrain updated Dynamic Battle Sprites with a new update entry: All sprites uploaded Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. neoncityrain

    Resource Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections

    neoncityrain submitted a new resource: Dynamic Posed Sprites - A simple graphics pack for more dynamic poses using frames from official Pokémon games. Read more about this resource...
  18. neoncityrain

    Battlers Dynamic Battle Sprites and Backsprite Corrections 1.2

    The Black and White sprites are great, but this is for all the people who miss the personality of some of the older sprites! This is a simple graphics pack for more dynamic poses using frames from official Pokémon games. This uses sprites from hgss, dppt, and bw/bw2 to bring better...
  19. neoncityrain

    Entertainment Worst Pokémon Game

    Cherrim. PLA glitch, enough said.
  20. neoncityrain

    Discussion when did you get into pokemon

    I got a copy of Sapphire back when it came out on the Gameboy. I couldn't read what was going on all the time, much less understand it, but I nearly hit level 100, so who's the real winner?