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Search results

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    Tiles from Insurgence ?

    Hi, I'm curently finishing a short game and I took some tiles from Pokémon Insurgence (sand and lava) Is that ok ? And if yes, how should I credit them ? Thanks !
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    any version Pokemon names translation in french (pokemon.txt modified) 2022-08-29

    The new version of the pokemon.txt (since V20 I think ?) with pokemon names in french. La nouvelle syntaxe de pokemon.txt en français I hope this helps.
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    Resource Pokemon names translation in french (pokemon.txt modified)

    azmikmak submitted a new resource: Pokemon names translation in french (pokemon.txt modified) - pokemon.txt with french names Read more about this resource...
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    Resource IV vitamins

    Hi ! I tried to adapt this to the V20 But I'm no good at Ruby (just yet) so I did what seemed to me to be the next best thing : scripted an event. It's a normal NPC. Hopefully It's gonna be useful to someone ;) a nice day to you anyway and thanks for the resource above ! PS: Should I post that...
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    Resource Small Script For Perfect IV Shinies

    Hi ! Thanks for that script :) I took the liberty of adapting it to the V20, I do not know if it works for the V20.1 # Make all wild Pokémon shiny pokemon have perfect IVs. EventHandlers.add(:on_wild_pokemon_created, :shiny_have_perfect_IV, proc { |pkmn| if pkmn.shiny? pkmn.iv[:HP] =...
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    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Thanks for this, it is awesome ! Makes me want to try and learn a bit of ruby :)