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Search results

  1. Dawn Bronze

    Completed Pokémon Christmas Stories

    I thought overall, this was a cute little game, with decent mapping and quite a fun idea behind it! Having said that however, there are some major gripes I have with it. To start with, I'm a bit confused with your decision to Klein's outdated BW kit. If I remember correctly, the kit is build...
  2. Dawn Bronze

    Completed Pokémon Wayward

    Had a fun time with this game!! I loved the setting and particularly the tiles used to convey the environment I was in. The use of the safari trees was really nice, and I loved all of the custom tiles like the hut. I also appreciated how even though the game was set in such a small island, there...
  3. Dawn Bronze

    Pixel Slam Jam PIXEL SLAM JAM Season 2 Trial IV: On the Attack!

    The wild Surskit used Bubble! Here's the sprite without the scenery, just for reference.
  4. Dawn Bronze

    In Development Pokémon Arkhe

    The maps for this project are very interesting to me, and on the whole I think it's a very unique take on using gen 3 tiles! I absolutely love the first screenshot you've shown off, I feel as though you've created a really unique atmosphere for the location that I haven't really seen before. I...
  5. Dawn Bronze

    Iron Mapper IRON MAPPER: Trial IV

    Trial: Town & Route Duo Map Town Map Name: Alpun Town Route Map Name: Alpun Trail Critique Requested: No thank you! Mapper Duo: @Dawn Bronze and @CloonieKing Credits: Fanking Omega, Magiscarf and Dawn Bronze for tileset: [/spoiler] We both had a lot of fun with this trial, and I'm...
  6. Dawn Bronze

    About the player's dialogues

    Since there is already a discussion thread on this topic, I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread. Any discussion can take place in the thread linked by @leilou in the previous post.
  7. Dawn Bronze

    Completed Pokémon Umber

    @SlinkyNoodle Oh no! This is a known bug, and I'm very sorry you've run into it!Don't worry though, if you upload your save file to a site such as MediaFire or Google Drive and give me the link, I should be able to get you unstuck, and send you back your save file. I would update the game to...
  8. Dawn Bronze

    In Development Pokémon Defiance

    Hi @Fhauno, please don't ask questions like this on project threads. Your question would be better suited as a help thread here.
  9. Dawn Bronze

    Actually motivated!?

    Actually motivated!?
  10. Dawn Bronze

    Too many ideas, why me

    Too many ideas, why me
  11. Dawn Bronze

    Completed Pokémon: Attack On The Space Station

    Hey Noodles, I just finished this and I have to say I absolutely love it!! I just thought everything about it was great, from the premise to the tiles to the difficulty and everywhere in between!! PROS: -I loved the difficulty, I never found like it was too hard for me, but at the same time...
  12. Dawn Bronze

    Completed Pokémon Fable

    This game was made for the 2017 Relic Castle Game Jam! >Story As a young girl living in the Forest with her Grandma, life has been quiet and peaceful for you, if not maybe even a little boring. However, lately strange happenings have been occurring throughout the land, and before long you are...
  13. Dawn Bronze

    Arrangement of tall grass

    Definitely prefer the first time, with the tall grass being placed more in blocks. In my opinion it just looks more clean and tidy, and whilst it doesn't look exactly natural, to me it just looks more aesthetically pleasing. I guess in some ways having the grass have lots of gaps could look a...
  14. Dawn Bronze

    Completed Pokémon Mega Adventure

    Not completely true, Jam games that didn't get a spotlight can receive a badge 1 year after they were posted, for example MewYou or Capsule Quest.
  15. Dawn Bronze

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Discussion

    Not quite sure what you're talking about here? Seems to me like you've completely made up those numbers. Anyway, last year we had around 15 entries, and judging from how many more people seem to be hyped up this year, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more than that this time round.
  16. Dawn Bronze

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Discussion

    Wooo, it's finally time! I must have been thinking up ideas for a few months, and I'm excited to be able to start working on them now! Really excited to see what everyone else creates too, and I hope people look forward to what I'll create working together with @Deo this year! Happy jamming!
  17. Dawn Bronze

    Post Game

    I'm kinda unsure about why everybody makes such a big deal about postgame. It's obviously a very important feature in games for a lot of people, but I'm just a bit baffled why so many people place such a big focus on what happens after the game is over. The game is...over. Why should there be...
  18. Dawn Bronze

    Hyped for Game Jam!!

    Hyped for Game Jam!!
  19. Dawn Bronze

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    @JaceDeane I can't be certain, but so far both game jams have been without a theme, and people have been able to create whatever they want to, and I presume this year will be the same.
  20. Dawn Bronze

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    Hyyyype! Feels like I've been waiting ages for this! Last year was so much fun, I loved making my game and then of course trying out everyone else's! I hope this year is even better!!