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Search results

  1. L

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    I disagree, sounds plain and simply people being too lazy, if you are worried about "balance" which no pokemon game in history of EVER has had, you are truly foolish and the only thing you really need to do is set a new encounter type and make it so most pokemon aren't available until after you...
  2. L

    Resource [PSDKPlugin] Non-Binary Support

    Cool, might use this, I was thinking about just skipping the "gender selection" and having the sprites based on what character they chose but now I have some thinkin' to do. lol My game has so far been good about the non binary thing, there isn't a single instance of "he,her,she,him" in my...
  3. L

    Recruiting Untitled Project

    I could easily write up some quick evolution items or editing the pbs to how they evolve is pretty simple, I made all trade evolutions evolve through level up, you don't need to mess with or remove the script or anything for the latter option, the "trade evolution" will just go unused like 10+...
  4. L

    Tutorial Field Effects

    I also want to know if this is going to be updated? I haven't tried the script yet and so far have been able to get most things that were made for V18 work for v19.1 but.. I am lazy and would rather not mess with scripts for hours (because I am a noob and basic things can take me hours lol) So...
  5. L

    Released Pokémon Championship v4.0

    I may not have a lot of actual feedback... But I don't even know what this title screen is but I love it! haha