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Search results

  1. Cross Agento

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    I just started using this plugin and it works great! Just one minor thing and I'm sorry if this has already been answered, I'm also using Voltseon's Pause Menu and whenever you get a new quest or update, but don't check the quest in the menu, and then go to save, the game crashes. This is the...
  2. Cross Agento

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    I also have the same issue. When I pick up a Pokemon when the hand is gold, everything freezes.
  3. Cross Agento

    Pokémon in need of buffs

    What I did for Magcargo was: +25 HP, +30 Speed, +10 SpAtk, +5 SpDef. making it's BST 500. Weak Armor has been moved to be a normal ability, instead of Magma Armor. On top of being able to use Shell Smash + Weak Armor effectively, Magcargo also gets access to a new ability: Molten Rock: "Turns...
  4. Cross Agento

    Pokémon in need of buffs

    If you want some ideas in terms of buffs and nerfs, I'm working on ideas for my own Pokemon game, including making Magcargo actually good.
  5. Cross Agento

    Resource Independent Hidden Power Type

    This is AMAZING! I was literally just thinking about a resource like this. Just a quick question, is there a way for the fights in game to have a set Hidden Power value?
  6. Cross Agento

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    I'm trying to use Supreme Overlord, but the game keeps sending me this bug. I've tried redownloading it, but it doesn't seem to change anything.
  7. Cross Agento

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    Overall, this is really well done! Just one thing, I had a Hex/Will-o-Wisp set on a Cofagrigus in a double battle, but for some reason, it will keep using Will-o-Wisp on the already burned target and never using any other moves.
  8. Cross Agento

    Resource Ultimate Move Tutor

    Never mind! I found the issue. I had a Legends Arceus Move Relearner in the menu that caused those moves to appear. Thanks though.
  9. Cross Agento

    Resource Ultimate Move Tutor

    It happens to be moves like Flamethrower and Mystical Fire. It's not in the Pokemon Forms PBS at all. I can send you the files if you wanna take a look at it. class MoveRelearnerScreen MOVETUTOR=34 def eggMoves(pkmn) babyspecies=pkmn.species babyspecies =...
  10. Cross Agento

    Resource Ultimate Move Tutor

    I'm having an issue where, for example, Alolan Ninetales will be able to have tutor moves from Kantonian Ninetales. Maybe because I'm using an older version?
  11. Cross Agento

    Resource Glancing Hits

    This is a really great resource! Thank you for this! It makes evasion more balanced and not have to entirely rely on rng. I originally just wanted to remove all evasion boosting moves, but this saves time and adds a pretty good mechanic to the game! Thank you for this!
  12. Cross Agento

    Resource BW Location Signposts (v19.1)

    This is really great! There's a small issue in the code where some locations were not properly labeled, but I really quickly fixed that. Other than that, I love this! #=============================================================================== #BW signposts (original by Shiney570, updated...
  13. Cross Agento

    Resource HM Items

    For the most part, this code works great! It allows this to be used and it's really nice. The only issue is, if you try to use the Cut Item in the overworld and there's no tree to cut down, it crashes the game. I'm not sure if this happens with the other items, but I'll test that out later...
  14. Cross Agento

    Resource Vendily's Evolve During Battle

    This resource is really cool and I've liked using it, but there's one small issue: After a Pokemon evolves and you leave the battle, the current area's music completely stops. I'm not sure if this has to do with my other plugins, but if you leave the area and come back, the music comes back.
  15. Cross Agento

    Resource HM Items

    Hi, is there a version of these HMs for v19.1? I've tried using both v17 and v18 and neither work.