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Search results

  1. NuclearOmega

    In Development Pokémon Plastic Pyrite

    Pokémon Plastic Pyrite started off as a Game Jam game here in 2016. I've been working on it here and there to make it a "full-game". All brand-new Pokémon await you, with over 50 in the game with unique stats, typings, moves, and more! Soarrel the Gliding Pokémon, Flying/Normal type Plot...
  2. NuclearOmega


  3. NuclearOmega

    Completed Hitmon! Jam

    I had fun with this game! I like just the concept of being able to play as a Machamp, & how it's not just like Mystery Dungeon for example, where you have the moves of the Pokemon you're playing as but can't really utilize the Pokemon's abilities that you read in the Pokedex for example, here...
  4. NuclearOmega

    Completed Pokémon Fable

    I really had a good ol time with this game! I liked how the game was really streamlined as you went from one area, to the next. & one thing I found super unique was having no PC! It's surprising just how much I rely on it (in game, of course), so not having one made me really think of what...
  5. NuclearOmega

    Released Pokémon Plastic Pyrite

    Oh wow! The black particle doesn't show up for me anymore in the newest download for me. Either way, I updated the download link above again with v0.3 along with a redone event for the crank machine. When you talk to the machine you'll now hear the "paralyze" sound effect and the machine should...
  6. NuclearOmega

    Released Pokémon Plastic Pyrite

    I've had one person say the game crashes when they enter the gym, but I haven't had that or the Crank Machine glitch happen to me no matter what I do. ...Actually it might have to do with the particle system. There's a black, smokey particle that forms on the Crank Machine once you used it once...
  7. NuclearOmega

    Released Pokémon Plastic Pyrite

    Thanks for the kind words, definitely let me know what you think when you get the chance! Ayyyy hope you enjoy it! :joy: For those playing, what's your team so far? :blush:
  8. NuclearOmega

    Released Pokémon Plastic Pyrite

    Pokémon Plastic Pyrite "In a world where dreams become reality... You shape your destiny." Welcome to the Captoad region in Pokémon Plastic Pyrite, home to new Pokémon never-seen before! Pokémon Plastic Pyrite is filled with all new Pokémon (around 50 at the moment), unique type/stat...
  9. NuclearOmega

    A Speed-up button in Fan Games. (Do or Don't)

    I love speeding up in games. Whether it's on a hack or through Stadium (as mentioned). It's convenient, and I think perfect for Pokemon, especially if you're replaying! As a player going through a game for the first time however, I mainly use it whenever I'm grinding or doing a route full of...
  10. NuclearOmega

    Creative June Fakeathon 2017

    Yo I love seeing everyone's interpretation of each day! I've been playing catch-up the last few days, so here's a week's worth of mine: Day 2: Dragon Day 3: Princess Day 4: Fairy Day 5: Goblin Day 6: Ogre Day 7: Rat Day 8: Wizard
  11. NuclearOmega

    Released Pokemon Bonfire Stories

    This game is truly something magical. It's a totally unique experience I've never had playing a Pokemon game, & I enjoyed every second of it! The characters, the sprites, & of course the mystery surrounding each story was so fun! :grinning:
  12. NuclearOmega

    Creative June Fakeathon 2017

    Yo sign me up! I'm so ready that I put up my knight for day 1 already. Last year's was a ton of fun, hoping to get them all done this time around!
  13. NuclearOmega

    Released Pokémon Spectrum

    Glad to see this game again! Had a great time the first time I played it. Replacing old Pokemon with new forms is such a good idea, loving what the Garbodor line looks like now & can't wait for more!
  14. NuclearOmega

    Iron Mapper IRON MAPPER: Trial I

    Map Name: An EGGcellent Route Trial: Trial I - New Beginnings Map: Critique Requested: Yes, please. Credits: Game Freak, tileset is the Pokemon Essentials default. Notes: A route with a Day-Care, where millions of trainers ride their bikes to hatch eggs. Billions of new baby Pokemon are born...
  15. NuclearOmega

    Creative Boss Baby Fanart

    r8, h8, appreci8 :joy: #ExpressYourself
  16. NuclearOmega

    Iron Mapper IRON MAPPER: Season 3 Discussion

    Yooooo I love these! Okay I never actually got to submit anything, but mapping's my jam & this time I wanna try!
  17. NuclearOmega

    Fakemon: Do You Need Them?

    I think Fakemon are great! Not every game needs to add their own Fakemon of course, but for me, I always have more fun trying out Pokemon I've never used. Fakemon allow you to try new type combos, stat distribution, abilities, movepools,-- everything! There's so many possibilities for Fakemon...