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Search results

  1. Manurocker95

    Completed [Unity Engine] Pokémon Pichu Playground - v1.0.0 - ESP/ENG/FR/IT/PT/DE - Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android & iOS

    Hey! Another day, another lost media recreation! Today I bring you Pokémon Pichu Playground Unity (PPPU), a fangame/tech-demo that allows you to interact in various ways with Pichu on your mobile or desktop device. Plot and Features: PPPU tries to recreate the experience of “Pikachu DS”, the...
  2. Manurocker95

    Completed [Unity Engine] Pokémon Turwig's Target Smash 3D - ESP/ENG/FR/IT/PT/DE - Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch

    Pokémon Turtwig's Target Smash 3D (PTTS-3D) is a fangame that tries to recreate the experience of the Flash game that TPC published in pokemon.com back in 2010; applying changes and improvements to it. In PTTS-3D players take the role of a Turtwig on a wooden platform and must use an Energiball...
  3. Manurocker95

    Completed [Unity Engine] 1,2,3... Coco Flip!

    1,2,3... Coco Flip! is a recreation of the Voltorb Flip game that appears in the Korean and Western editions of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver but without any Pokémon theme to be able to publish it without problem with Ninjas. For those who don't know it, the game is a mix between Minesweeper...
  4. Manurocker95

    Released [Unity Engine] Pokémon Swallow - ESP/ENG - Minigames like Wario Ware for Android

    Pokémon Swallow is a fangame based on Game Freak's discarded mini-game concepts that were showcased at this year's Freak Leak 2024. These mini-games are Wario Ware style, where there is only one mechanic and they don't last more than 5-10 seconds. Minigames: Magnezone Recharge Magnemite...
  5. Manurocker95

    Completed [Unity Engine] PokéROM Sanctuary - ENG/ESP - Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

    Hello folks! New day, new fangame. Today I bring PokéROM Sanctuary, a fangame that tries to recreate the interactive experience developed by The Learning Company in 2000 made from scratch in Unity Engine. In PokéROM Sanctuary we can access the Observatory, where we can find and capture the...
  6. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon E-Reader Minigame Collection [Unity Engine] - Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS - ENG/ESP/FR/DE/PT/IT

    Hey folks! I've been planning this project for a while and what better excuse than the “Beta Contest in 30 days” challenge of the Spanish community to finally put it onto the table. For context, most people have played the third generation Pokémon games. However, not everyone knows that they...
  7. Manurocker95

    Resource Pokemon World Tournament (PWT) - Unofficial v21.1 Port

    Manurocker95 submitted a new resource: Pokemon World Tournament (PWT) - Unofficial v21.1 Port - Port of Pokémon World Tournament (released for 17.2) to make it working on Essentials 21.1 Read more about this resource...
  8. Manurocker95

    Completed Pokémon Jukebox Unity [Unity Engine] - Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch - Beta v0.0.7

    Hey folks! New day, new fangame. Today I bring you my last work: Pokémon Jukebox Unity! Pokémon Jukebox Unity (PJU) is a remake of Pokémon Jukebox in Unity Engine. Pokémon Jukebox was the first application developed by Game Freak for Android smartphones with Pokémon content. Pokémon Jukebox...
  9. Manurocker95

    Completed Pokémon Stadium Club [Unity Engine] - Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS - ENG/ESP/FR/IT/PT/DE/JAP - Release 1.0.0

    Hey, folks! Following the last fangames I've been making, I bring today a compilation of them in my new fangame: Pokémon Stadium Club (PSC). Plot and features: PSC acts as a "hub" to select the minigame to play. All the minigames were made from scratch in Unity Engine supporting PvP (1 vs 1...
  10. Manurocker95

    In Development PokéPark Fishing Rally 3D Unity [Unity Engine]

    Hey, folks! These days I have started to remake from scratch a game I made some years ago and that you have in this forum: PokéPark Fishing Rally Unity (PPFRU). This is PokéPark Fishing Rally 3D Unity or PPFR3DU. Project description and plot: The game is similar to the original game (PPFRU)...
  11. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Matching Card Game! [Unity Engine] ESP/ENG/IT/FR/DE/PT/JAP - Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Hey! Today I bring you another little fangame I made: Pokémon Matching Card Game (PMCG)! Story: This minigame is part of another of my fangames: New Pokémon Camp, but I have decided to bring it independently. It is nothing more and nothing less than an arcade card game in which we will test...
  12. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Hitmonchan Boxing! [Unity Engine] ESP/ENG/IT/FR/DE/PT/JAP - Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Hey! Today I bring you another little fangame I made: Pokémon Hitmonchan Boxing (PHB)! Story: This minigame is part of another of my fangames: New Pokémon Camp, but I decided to bring it independently (same thing I did with Smeargle Splat, Sandshrew Bowling and Pikachu Volleyball). In this...
  13. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Sandshrew Bowling [Unity Engine] ESP/ENG/IT/FR/DE/PT/JAP - Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Happy new year! Today I bring you another little fangame I made: Pokémon Sandshrew Bowling (PSB)! Story: This minigame is part of another of my fangames: New Pokémon Camp, but I decided to bring it independently (same thing I did with Smeargle Splat and Pikachu Volleyball). In this game we...
  14. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Pikachu Volleyball [Unity Engine] ESP/ENG/IT/FR/DE/PT - Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Hello fellas! Today I bring you another little fangame I'm making: Pokémon Pikachu Volleyball! Story: This minigame is part of another of my fangames: New Pokémon Camp, but I decided to bring it independently (same thing I did with Smeargle Splat). Well, inspired by an old bootleg from the...
  15. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Smeargle Splat! [Unity Engine] ESP/ENG/IT/FR/DE/PT - Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux - Beta 0.0.3

    Hey fellas! Today I bring you another little project I've been doing as part of my portfolio: Pokémon Smeargle Splat, aka, PSS! Story/Synopsis: The premise is simple. In PSS we take the role of Mirguel the Smeargle. Professor Haya has asked him to try to paint all the Pokémon he finds to...
  16. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Wave Hello (Remake) [Unity Engine] - [ESP/ENG/IT/DE/FR/PT]

    Hello fellas! Two days ago I saw another lost game on Youtube that caught my attention: Pokémon Wave Hello. Probably, almost no one will be familiar with this game. It was an exclusive tech demo made by Google, which was available for a limited time for those who paid the premium price tag of...
  17. Manurocker95

    Released UEmulator - A stupid Game Boy emulator made in Unity Engine

    For my old PLGU project I played with emulation (you could play GB, GBC and GBA ROMs within the regular game) and 2 years ago released the emulator as a standalone solution. Tbh, it's not good and it is not meant to replace your regular mgba emulation but hey, it's works. UEmulator is a...
  18. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Tennis [Unity Engine] - [ENG/ESP]

    Hey fellas! Today I bring a small project I made some time ago: Pokémon Tennis. Pokémon Tennis is a simple Tennis game in which you have to Swipe to return the ball. Try to beat them all and win all the trophies! Download: Zelda Credits: Nintendo The Pokémon Company Creatures Inc...
  19. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Ultimate Duel [Unity Engine]

    Hey fellas! Today I bring a small project I made some time ago: Pokémon Ultime Duel, aka, PUD. This is a card game VERY inspired by Gwent but with a Pokémon theme. The objective is to have more points than the opponent at the end of the game. The game is divided into two rounds consisting of...
  20. Manurocker95

    Released Pokémon Battle Simulator Unity (PBSU) - [Unity Engine]

    Hey fellas! Today I bring one more small project I made some time ago: Pokémon Battle Simulator Unity, aka PBSU. Making use of AJ20's Open-Sourced battle system I made a small battle simulator with online functionality and 1J battles. It makes use of my Pokémon Let's Go Unity database instead...