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Search results

  1. doof

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    This guy has. I can upload them if you want.
  2. doof

    Story vs. Gameplay - How Important Is Each

    I'm not gonna write some huge rant about it, but I will just say that I've lost a lot of sleep writing up story stuff and have barely put any thought into gameplay beyond some of the more basic stuff. Story might not be what draws a player into a game, but it would definitely play a large role...
  3. doof

    Talking protagonist

    It's an idea I've tossed around for a little bit. Personally, I think talking protagonists work best when they're a set character. When they're already named, already have their own personalities, etc. As for a typical Pokemon game protagonist, I would think that it could work, if done right...
  4. doof

    No worries dude - my closest friends didn't even know it was my birthday, so you're already a...

    No worries dude - my closest friends didn't even know it was my birthday, so you're already a step ahead of them.
  5. doof

    Resource Elite Battle System: Gen 5 visual overhaul

    You're using the wrong trainer sprite. That's the sprite formatted for the standard Essentials battle system. EBS comes with a different sprite that's formatted to work with the EBS battle system.
  6. doof

    Project Names

    To be honest, no one really knows why my games are named Steve the Bibarel. The fact that the protagonist is a Bibarel named Steve is a complete coincidence.
  7. doof

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    I need 350 Fakemon as soon as possible. Fronts, backs, shinies, and alternate forms. Oh, that's not the place for this? Eh, okay. That said, I think it would be nice to see some new options for battle UI and window skins. Those are both pretty common things in a game, and I've seen so very few...
  8. doof


    The best types of rivals are the ones that just randomly appear, battle you, and then leave. Especially if they have no character plot and are as dull and stale as two week old bread. Every game should have ten rivals just like that. Joke aside, the best rivals have character and relevance...
  9. doof

    Discussion Avatar Stories

    Eh, I used to watch this YouTuber back in the day before they sadly disappeared. They were playing Insurgence, and I had seen where someone had made some custom sprites for their game so I thought I'd do the same for this YouTuber - and they had a Bronzong on their team. And thus, Bronzong with...
  10. doof

    In Development Pokemon Crimson

    That's completely understandable. It really is. But the thing is that when you publicly release your game, you want it to be as polished as it can be. People who play a rough draft and get a bad first impression of the game might not come back even when a newer version is available.
  11. doof

    Discussion Happy birthday thread!

    That's false information, I'm afraid. It was confirmed that Aki's birthday is everyday. Anyway, happy birthday to you, @LeinadWorks!!!
  12. doof

    In Development Pokemon Crimson

    I played a little bit of it, and were some things that I would like to point out: -You can see the map edges in several places, which isn't really a good thing for exterior maps. -A lot of trainers seem to have the same dialogue, which kinda gets a bit dull after a little bit. The big thing...
  13. doof

    Soft Skills

    (I realized after writing all this out I might've take the quoted post slightly out of context, but I still just want to throw my thoughts out there, even if they're slightly irrelevant.) My main advice for those seeking to build a team with the intention of doing none of the work themselves...
  14. doof

    Soft Skills

    Soft skills? I do have some skill in being soft. But uh, yeah. I digress. Being a team leader isn't as fun as you'd think. You see a lot of first time fan-game developers out there thinking "Oh I'm going to get a team and I'll be the leader calling all the shots and they'll love me and doing...
  15. doof

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    I added some feet.
  16. doof

    Adobe Premiere takes four forevers to download, apparently. Yay.

    Adobe Premiere takes four forevers to download, apparently. Yay.
  17. doof

    Creative What do you think about map commissions?

    I don't think that asking for people's opinions on the subject would really go against the rules. I just wanted to make sure you knew before you did something wrong. Anyway, you could possibly try DeviantArt. I don't know how that site works, but it could potentially be a place to do some maps...
  18. doof

    Creative What do you think about map commissions?

    Well, personally, I don't see a problem. If someone is willing to pay you to do it, then why not do it? Personally, I make my own maps, and it's typically the only thing I'm good at, so I doubt I would hire someone to make maps. I think your main issue would be that making maps isn't hard (at...
  19. doof

    Discussion Happy birthday thread!

    Turns out I forgot to say it yesterday, so Happy Birthday, BIGFriv!! May your day be filled with cake and ice cream and wonderful presents!
  20. doof

    Discussion Happy birthday thread!

    Um... Friv's birthday says May 3rd though... But... maybe you're just in a different timezone?