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Game Jam Packs

...for all asset packs for game jam games

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These are the assets that were used in Brownsville.
My tileset, custom autotile and open resources used to create Pokemon Fairy Delta.
Pokémon Smeargles Resource Pack J
The resources I used for Pokémon Smeargles
Henry Locke: Ace Detective Resource Pack AveryTubeHD
Resources used when making Henry Locke: Ace Detective
Resource Pack for Pokemon Master Championships, for Game Jam #7
PS: Time's Edge Resource Pack AenaonDogsky
PS: Time's Edge Resource Pack
Pokemon Shikari Resource Pack MegaMew47
Assets created for Pokemon Shikari!
Pokemon [K]arma Resource Pack V
All the custom assets for Pokemon [K]arma
Littleroot Researchers Resource Pack KennyCatches
Graphics used for Littleroot Researchers
Pokémon Afterworld Resource Pack rhaidor
Download the resources used in Pokémon Afterworld!
Modified graphics used in game jam submission
The resources from Pokémon Seafoam
All graphics and music used in Pokémon Ends 2 made for the Relic Castle Game Jam #7.
Pokemon Eclipse Resource pack B
All the resources used in Pokemon Eclipse
Graphics from I Wanna Be A Vampire!!, demo version only.
Pokémon Containment Resource Pack lichen
Resources I've created/edited for Pokémon Containment!
Pokemon Wilderness Resources King_Waluigi
Graphics for my Relic Castle Summer Game Jam entry!
Lots of snow tiles. Read the document in the download for credit details.