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Resources by Somersault

Somersault's Utilities Script Somersault
A script that provides functions for both using as standalone and as support to my other scripts.
DPPT TV Plugin Somersault
v19 DPPT TV Plugin 2.3.0
Don't miss the latest new on your Sinnoh-styled TV!
Chapters plugin Somersault
v19 Chapters plugin 3.1.1
A simple RMXP plugin to show a "chapter N" sign on screen
Somersault's Map Utilities Script Somersault
This is an auxiliar one for my scripts that are somehow related with maps
Sinnoh Underground Tileset Somersault
Tiles Sinnoh Underground Tileset 2021-07-08
As simple as that. This is the ultimate Sinnoh underground tileset!
DPPT Sinnoh Map Script Somersault
A sleek yet nostalgic gen-4-style region map script!
Dppt style Gender selector script Somersault
A new, fancy way of displaying the gender selector scene
SomerCatching Tutorial Script Somersault
A script to invoque a catching tutorial in which you will be actually able to control the professor!
SomerPoketch Script Somersault
This new version of my own pokétch script for rpg maker XP is more user-friendly than ever!!!