- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v17.2 ➖
The title says it all! With this script you will be able to implement a catching tutorial in which you control the professor (or rather the "teacher character"). This is not only meant for having a custom battle with a different team, different bag items (aka, the pokéballs and only the pokéballs), but also for showing a different trainer backsprite! (download links in "installation")
Note: the script returns true only if the player catches the pokémon, in order to allow the corresponding event to branch correctly. But it still allows the player to defeat the pokémon, so take this into account.
Usage: pbCatchingTutorial
return type: boolean -> returns true if the pokémon has been caught.
-> returns false if the wild pokémon has been defeated.
-> returns false if the user pokémon has been defeated.
Note: the script returns true only if the player catches the pokémon, in order to allow the corresponding event to branch correctly. But it still allows the player to defeat the pokémon, so take this into account.
Usage: pbCatchingTutorial
return type: boolean -> returns true if the pokémon has been caught.
-> returns false if the wild pokémon has been defeated.
-> returns false if the user pokémon has been defeated.
- Install SUSc 4.0+
- Download and paste this script in a new script section over main and BELOW SUSc
- Download this pack and uncompress the media in their folders
- Done! Enjoy! Hahahahaa! Just joking. You still have to do a couple of further steps. ;)
- Open Readme.txt and follow carefully all the instructions.
- And now, yes: Done! Enjoy!
- Credits