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v20.1 Enhanced UI [v20.1] [DEPRECATED] v1.1.3

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
ATTENTION! Final Update!
With the release of Essentials v21, this will be the final update for Enhanced UI for v20.1. Going forward I will instead be fully focused on v21, so I will no longer be updating or supporting this plugin. I intend to take a break before I even start thinking about how or when I'm going to start working on a v21 iteration of the plugin, so don't ask me about a time frame for release. I will keep this plugin available in the meantime. But this iteration of the plugin will eventually be removed once a v21 successor is released and takes its place. I will give fair warning before this happens, so don't panic.

See you all in v21!

Final Update (v1.1.3)

  • Made various tweaks for better compatibility with the newest update to the Gen 9 Pack.
  • Removed all of the QoL additions added in the last update. All of these features are now found in the Gen 9 Pack, which is a better home for those mechanics.
  • This is the final update for this plugin. Going forward, my focus will now be on adapting this plugin for v21.
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  • Added several QoL features to the Pokemon Summary UI found in the modern series.
  • When pressing the USE button to open the options while viewing a Pokemon's Summmary, the "Nickname" option will now appear in this list, which will allow you to re-nickname your Pokemon. This option will only appear if you are the Pokemon's original trainer.
  • When pressing the USE button while specifically viewing the Pokemon's moves page, a different list of options will now appear. These will include the following:
    • Check Moves: This option will allow you to view the data of each of this Pokemon's moves, as well as re-order them. This option won't appear if the Pokemon has no moves.
    • Relearn Moves: This option will open the move relearning screen, allowing this Pokemon to recall a past move. This option won't appear if the Pokemon has no moves to relearn.
    • Forget Move: This option will open the move deletion screen allowing this Pokemon to forget a known move. This option won't appear if the Pokemon has no moves.
    • Use TM's: This option will open the bag, displaying all compatible TM's that may be used on this Pokemon. No TM's will appear if no compatible ones are found.
  • Improves the controls for the Summary UI, allowing the UI to loop while scrolling through pages while pressing left/right, as well as looping through the party while pressing up/down, instead of coming to a halt when reaching the end.
  • Added SUMMARY_MODERN_QoL to the plugin Settings. When toggled false, all of the above improvements are disabled.

Below are screenshots of these new Summary options:

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  • Added a new UI feature in the Summary screens that displays a meter that indicates each Pokemon's current happiness levels. Compatible with the BW Summary plugin.
  • Added a new UI feature in the main Pokedex menu that displays an icon representing the habitat data of each species.
  • Added a new UI feature in the Pokedex data screens that displays an icon representing the body shape data of each species. You can toggle between modern and retro icons.

Happiness Meter

Habitat Icons

Body Shape Icons

NOTE: This update completely restructures how the graphics folder for this plugin is set up. It's recommended that you delete your existing Graphics/Plugins/Enhanced UI folder prior to installing this update.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when this plugin was installed without the Terastal Phenomenon plugin also installed. This error will no longer occur if that other plugin isn't present.
  • Updated the move info UI to now have icons for "slicing" and "wind" move attributes introduced in Gen 9.
  • Tweaked the battle info UI layout for better visual appearance and compatibility with other plugins.
  • A battler's last used move will now be shortened in the battle info UI if the name of the move is very long and would break the UI.
  • Overhauled the battle UI's in preparation of the release of the Terastal Phenomenon plugin.
  • The battle info UI now supports the display of Tera Types, if the Terastal Phenomenon plugin is installed.
  • STAB bonuses for moves viewed in the move info UI will now take Terastallization into account when calculating base power.
  • Moves that gain a boost in power due to Terastallization will now display an additional message to inform you of this boost.
  • The move Tera Blast will take the user's Tera Type into account when displaying its type and power in the move info UI.
  • Battler icons displayed in the battle info UI will now appear crystallized for battlers that are Terastallized.
Terastallization Examples:

Tera Type Display


The move Tera Blast when toggling Terastallization

Indication of Tera Boost while Terastallized
  • Refactored all of the code related to displaying Battle/Move Info UI's in the Fight Menu, and moved it into this plugin instead of keeping it in Essentials Deluxe.
  • Moved the Shiny Leaf debug tool implemented by this plugin so that it is now located in the "Deluxe" debug menu added by Essentials Deluxe.
  • Earthquake's base power displayed in the Move Info UI will now be halved if Grassy Terrain is in play.
  • Eggs, Shadow Pokemon, and Pokemon with the ability Battle Bond will now display as part of the Undiscovered Egg Group, even if they naturally appear in other groups.
  • Refactored the code for some of the Battle UI elements into smaller chunks to allow for better readability and easier editing.
  • Added a new toggle in the plugin settings named ALWAYS_DISPLAY_TYPES. When "true", this will always display the typing and effectiveness for opposing Pokemon in the Battle UI's, even if you haven't yet registered those species in the Pokedex.
  • The type and type effectiveness displays for each move in the Move Info UI will now reflect their actual in-battle typing, instead of their default typing. This includes the following moves by default:
    • Aura Wheel (type affected by Hunger Switch)
    • Hidden Power (type affected by IV's)
    • Judgment (type affected by Multitype)
    • Multi-Attack (type affected by RKS System)
    • Natural Gift (type affected by held berry)
    • Revelation Dance (type affected by user's type)
    • Techno Blast (type affected by held Drive)
    • Tera Blast (type affected by tera type)
    • Terrain Pulse (type affected by terrain)
    • Weather Ball (type affected by weather)
    • All Moves affected by the Electrify or Ion Deluge effects.
    • All Moves affected by the Normalize, Aerilate, Pixilate, Refrigerate, or Galvanize abilities.
  • The base damage displayed for certain moves with variable power in the Move Info UI will now reflect their actual base damage (taking current battle conditions into account) instead of their default base damage. This includes the following moves by default:
    • Grav Apple (power affected by Gravity)
    • Bulldoze (power affected by terrain)
    • Eruption, Water Spout (power affected by user's HP)
    • Flail, Reversal (power affected by user's HP)
    • Return, Frustration (power affected by the user's happiness level)
    • Power Trip, Stored Power (power affected by the user's positive stat stages)
    • Trump Card (power affected by remaining PP)
    • Fury Cutter, Echoed Voice (power affected by consecutive use)
    • Facade (power affected by the user's status)
    • Rising Voltage (power affected by terrain)
    • Stomping Tantrum (power affected by previous move)
    • Retaliate (power affected by fainted party members)
    • Hidden Power (power affected by IV's)
    • Natural Gift (power affected by held berry)
    • Weather Ball (power affected by weather)
    • Terrain Pulse (power affected by terrain)
    • Water Shuriken (power affected by Battle Bond)
    • Misty Explosion (power affected by terrain)
    • Fling (power affected by held item)
    • Expanding Force (power affected by terrain)
    • Spit Up (power affected by Stockpile)
  • The base damage displayed for moves in the Move Info UI will now factor in STAB when displaying the power of a move.
  • The text color used to display the base damage for moves in the Move Info UI will now appear green when the move is affected by something that is raising its base power (such as STAB).
  • The text color used to display the base damage for moves in the Move Info UI will now appear red when the move is affected by something that is reducing its base power (certain moves only).
  • Moved the entire selection window for the Battle Info UI further up the screen, so the newly added party ball display no longer overlaps important battle buttons.
  • While selecting a Pokemon in the Battle Info UI, the name of each battler will now appear in black text, while the highlighted battler's name will appear in white text.
  • Updated the Battle UI graphics to complement the change in text colors.
  • Added settings at the top of the Battle UI script to allow you to customize text colors.
  • When using the ZUD Plugin, the icon sprites for Dynamaxed Pokemon will now be enlarged/colored and have a red outline instead of a white one when selecting a Pokemon for the Battle Info UI. Thier name will also have a red shadow when selected. If the species of the Dynamaxed Pokemon is Calyrex, this coloration will be blue instead.
  • When using the ZUD Plugin, the icon sprites for Dynamaxed Pokemon will now be enlarged/colored in the effectiveness display of the Move Info UI.
The following update fixes and improves upon many features of the Battle Info UI that was added in the previous update.

  • Added a display while selecting a Pokemon for the Battle Info UI that will now show each trainer's Pokeball lineup.
  • Fixed an error in the Battle Info UI with Pokemon you own that are under the effects of Illusion displaying the name of the Pokemon they are disguised as, rather than their real name.
  • When viewing a Pokemon's data in the Battle Info UI, its type display will now show its actual current typing, rather than its natural typing. For example, if a Pokemon changes type due to the Protean ability, the types in the UI will change to reflect this. This will even display the Pokemon's third type if an effect is in play that may grant them a third type (Forest's Curse, for example).
  • When viewing a Pokemon's data in the Battle Info UI, Pokemon who you have not yet discovered will now have their type displayed as the ??? type, rather than not showing any type at all. Pokemon who have had their typing removed by an effect (for example a pure Fire-type that used the move Burn Up) will also be displayed as this type.
  • The Battle Info UI now tracks the Fairy Lock field effect, which was left out in the last updated by mistake.
  • The Battle Info UI now tracks the Swamp pledge effect, which was left out in the last update by mistake.
  • The Battle Info UI now tracks the following battler-specific effects:
    • Disable
    • Embargo
    • Heal Block
    • Magnet Rise
    • Perish Song
    • Encore
    • Taunt
    • Telekinesis
    • Throat Chop
    • Trapping Move Effects (Fire Spin, Whirlpool, etc.)
  • The Battle Info UI now tracks each Pokemon's remaining Dynamax turns when the ZUD Plugin is installed.
  • The Battle Info UI now tracks the amount of turns a Pokemon is locked out of building Focus when the Focus Meter plugin is installed.

Example of the new party lineup display:

Example of the new type display:

Example of the new effects that are now tracked: