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v21.1 Automatic Level Scaling 1.6.2

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
  • Fix default evolution levels inverted in the calling of scaleEvolutionStage.
  • Fix trainer parties not being healed after the player is defeated when save_trainer_parties is true.
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  • Add the save_trainer_parties setting.
  • Add the use_map_level_for_wild_pokemon setting.
  • Add class overrides, moving methods to the Pokemon class.
  • Update documentation.
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  • Add evolution level for all natural evolution methods. If there's more than one natural evolution with different levels, the lowest level is considered for all evolutions (I don't think this ever happens among all pokemon up to this point).
  • If INCLUDE_NON_NATURAL_EVOLUTIONS is false, now natural evolutions are considered as an evolution possibility for pokemon with multiple evolutions. Previously, if one of the evolutions was not natural, the pokemon would not evolve at all, now it'll only evolve to the ones that use a natural method.
  • Add the includeNextStages setting. If false, stops evolution at the species used in the function call (or defined in the PBS).
  • Add the reset_settings EventHandlers.
  • Update code readability and optimization.
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Pokemon with regional forms finally evolve using their default evolution methods instead of the default evolution levels. The POKEMON_WITH_REGIONAL_FORMS array is not necessary anymore (no bugs would happen if you include it by accident either).
Like pokemon with multiple evolutions, if you select, in the PBS or a function call, a regional form evolution for a non-regional form pokemon with multiple evolutions, the script will automatically select the regional form used. For example, you can select alolan exeggutor in the encounters PBS, and only alolan exeggutors will show up in the area (or exeggcutes if the trainer is below the default first evolution level). If no specific regional form is provided, the script will always select the first form. This might be more intuitive in practice than in this explication.

The include_non_natural_evolutions setting is now included and enabled by default, if disabled, all pokemon that evolve with one or more methods not included in the NATURAL_EVOLUTION_METHODS will not evolve. You can also change its value using AutomaticLevelScaling.setTemporarySetting and AutomaticLevelScaling.setSettings.
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Fix settings reset after the first setNewLevel in the trainer EventHandlers. Updated variable and property names and removed unnecessary nesting, for code readability.
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For the sake of optimization, simplicity, and code readability, the DIFFICULTIES array is now a hash. Changing the difficulty works the same as usual, the only difference is, when creating a difficulty, instead of passing the id in the constructor of a Difficulty, you can simply use the hash index.
Fix a bug related to only_scale_if_lower and only_scale_if_higher in v19.
From now on, using the final stage in the PBS (or in a function) will set the pokemon to a specific evolution, while using any previous stage will make the evolution random.
Fix proportional scaling going over the max level.