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Ultimate Move Tutor

v21.1 Ultimate Move Tutor 1.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
numbers in banlist are now treated as the maximum power of relearnable moves
it was already v21 compatible , so not to many changes here!
  • cleaned some useless parts of the code
  • meta.txt file updated
-Gmax and Zmoves are now excluded from stabmon and alphabetmon move tutor by default
Added Banlist options (change the default switches and variables if you are already using it). I don't wanna see a level 15 Dratini with Outrage anymore.

Added baby moves to the list (Now Breloom can learn Spore and Swampert can learn Hydro Pump if they have the level).
Settings are now in the movetutor file.

Updated the instructions
added Stabmon, Alphabetmon and custom options
The script is compatible with v20.
If you are using v19 check the instructions or don't use the Stabmon mode.
Here comes v1.1 of the script
Instructions have been updated. Don't forget to check them!

There is now a balanced hackmon mode if your control variable is =3

Pokémons with no relearnable moves can now properly learn eggmoves and tutor moves
Removed moves you already learned from the move list