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Voltseon's Pause Menu

v20.1 Voltseon's Pause Menu v2.1

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Thank you for sharing the resources, it makes my game look more vivid! But there is a problem, my pause menu cannot function properly after adding the dexnax plugin. Is there a solution?
One question, how do you do to add more menu options? (for example, I would like to add...a PC option, for example. How could I do it?)
Sooo pretty! Fantastic tool to extend and optimize your pause menu! Thank you for making this!
bro please help me, i am on 20.1 and isnt loading, can you please help me
Run Smoothly in essential v21 + v21.1 Hotfix,
btw there some warning about "safeExists?", but you just change it to FileTest.exist?. and the warning now gone
The plugin works smoothly and visually looks amazing. But I did run into the same error twice. This only happened after saving the game, and before the pause menu closes itself off automatically. I was doing different things before each error, so it might just happen intermittently.

[Pokémon Essentials version 20.1]
[v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7]

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `y' for nil:NilClass

[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 004_VoltseonMenu_Components.rb:230:in `update'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:223:in `block (2 levels) in update'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:223:in `each'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:223:in `block in update'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:219:in `loop'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:219:in `update'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:297:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:288:in `call_menu'
[Following Pokemon EX] Refresh.rb:128:in `call_menu'
032:Scene_Map:203:in `update'
Hi, I already renewed the code you gave me and it worked. Thank you so much! This menu is my favorite plugin and it made me sad that I wouldn't be able to use it!
Just trying this for the first time today! Looks really slick, but ran into a few errors

In the plugin file "004_VoltseonMenu_Components.rb", I had to adjust the code beginning at line 132 like this:

# Status
status = 0
if pokemon.fainted?
status = GameData::Status::DATA.keys.length / 2
elsif pokemon.status != :NONE
status = GameData::Status.get(pokemon.status).icon_position + 1
elsif pokemon.pokerusStage == 1
status = GameData::Status::DATA.keys.length - 1

as the previously referenced ID number variable doesn't seem to exist, and because the position being pointed at was one indicator above the appropriately coloured status indicator.

(@DonCaretas18, this should fix your problem)
Don't really understand how it works, I've plugged it in and it still uses the regular pause menu.
Great plug-in, and wonderful customization. I only have one issue involving a black outline that keeps popping up around the location name while scrolling through the pause menu that wasn't priorly addressed. Other than that, awsome resource
Great but I noticed that in the Options menu the Menu Theme Style started at 0/9 and ended at 8/9 instead of going from 1/9 to 9/9. I fixed it by replacing :
"parameters" => 0..MENU_TEXTCOLOR.length,
line 349 in 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb
by :
"parameters" => 1..MENU_TEXTCOLOR.length + 1,
Snazzy! Easily edited to include new buttons and features!
It's great, it works, and it looks cool. 10/10, would install again.
genuinely awesome. one of the cleanest pause menus out there.
Had a bit of trouble at first but after asking it got fixed. Looks great and doesnt have any input lag
This is the best looking menu I have ever seen (for now ;) )