How's it going, everybody?
So, it's been a busy week but I finally managed to get some time to work on my script's compatibility to v19. Today I bring to you guys BW Storage System updated to the newest Pokémon Essentials Version 19. It now uses the new Plugin Configuration, so you don't need to paste it on the Script Editor anymore.
Not much has changed, though I must mention a small fix. While testing v19, I've received the warning libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile in the Debug Log whenever I used entered some of the screens that used BW UI.
I've searched on the internet and I was able to find an easy solution to this problem. Hopefully, with this new solution I found, the file size of the BW Ui has decreased. making it much lighter than it used to be. That's why I would recommend to anyone who had used this Resource to Download the new UI sprites again and install them in your main project's folder.
That's all for today folks! Hope y'all are doing well.