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Foreign Pokémon in the Wild

v20.1 Foreign Pokémon in the Wild 2022-12-18

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Got a nice overhaul with this update!
  • Data is now organized in hashes, so more values are optional, you don't have to remember a specific order, etc.
    • (You can tell when I learn something new in scripting because I suddenly start trying to use it everywhere - I did the same hashes thing with my Prize Wheels script, and I'm pretty sure so many older versions of my scripts used arrays because I had just learned to use arrays then)
  • Every possible trait of a Pokémon has been included. Contest stats, ribbons, Pokérus, defining specific stats/moves, items...
  • Each Pokémon can now have its own probability of being encountered