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Improved Item AI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

v21.1 Improved Item AI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] v1.0

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Improved Item AI for v21.1
Improves trainer's AI when using items in battle and expands the types of items they can use.

This plugin builds upon the Deluxe Battle Kit to improve upon the AI when it comes to using items from the inventory. This will generally allow AI trainers to use items more intelligently and less wastefully. AI trainers will now also consider using items to restore HP, PP, or cure the status conditions of their entire party, and not just their active Pokemon.
This also expands upon the types of items the AI is able to use in battle, allowing them to access all of the same items that the player would be able to use. This means you can give NPC's more unique items that they normally wouldn't know how to use, such as Ethers, Guard Spec. or even more obscure things like the Poke Flute.

This plugin is required for the Wonder Launcher add-on plugin.

  • First, please install the latest version of the Deluxe Battle Kit. This plugin functions as an add-on to that kit.
  • Next, download this plugin using the link provided and extract its contents to your root Essentials folder so that the Plugins folder in the download merges with their equivalent folders in your project.
  • Start your game in debug mode and make sure you recompile by holding down the CTRL key while the game is booting up. If the console says "Game data was not compiled", then you didn't hold down the key long enough, or don't have the game window in focus.

Plugin Tutorial
Please refer to the add-on page for this plugin in the Deluxe Battle Kit Tutorial.
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