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Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

v21.1 Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] v2.0.6

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Enhanced Battle UI for v21.1
An expansion plugin for the Deluxe Battle Kit to improve your battle UI!

This plugin adds new windows to the battle scene which you can toggle in order to view detailed information about your Pokemon's moves, or general information about each battler. For move info, this allows you to view things like a move's real typing/category, its real base power after calculating things like STAB, as well as any move flags associated with the move. For battlers, this allows you to see their stat changes, in-battle typing, and a variety of effects that are currently in play. This is just some of the information that can be viewed!

  • First, please install the latest version of the Deluxe Battle Kit. This plugin functions as an add-on to that kit.
  • Next, download this plugin using the link provided and extract its contents to your root Essentials folder so that both the Graphics and Plugins folders in the download merge with their equivalent folders in your project.
  • Start your game in debug mode and make sure you recompile by holding down the CTRL key while the game is booting up. If the console says "Game data was not compiled", then you didn't hold down the key long enough, or don't have the game window in focus.

Plugin Tutorial
Please refer to the add-on page for this plugin in the Deluxe Battle Kit Tutorial.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from Lucidious89

Latest updates

  1. v2.0.6 Update

    Fixed an issue with the Hail weather displaying the wrong description in the battler UI in...
  2. v2.0.5 Update

    Fixed an issue with the move Triple Kick causing errors when viewed in the Move Info UI. Added...
  3. v2.0.4 Update

    Fixed several issues that would cause crashes while in the Safari Zone. Overhauled all of the...

Latest reviews

I just tried this plugin out with V1.0.1 of Deluxe Battle Kit, and it works just fine. Still have yet to poke and prod the plugin, so see if there are bugs or crashing issues. The excellence of having a way to show the layers of hidden information to the player, such as Stat Modifier changes, the last move used in the previous turn, field effects, STAB bonus, move effect icons, and weather conditions, is why I am giving a 5-star rating.

Not only does this help out a lot with allowing players to better understand and remember what's going on during a turn, but it's also useful for developers. I have short-term memory problems, so I often forget what's going on before and after a turn during testing. Highly recommend this plugin if you want a Pokemon fan game project to have a good Quality of Life improvement to the information a player knows about during a battle.