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Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

v21.1 Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1] v1.2.4

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.

Reviews 4.91 star(s) 19 reviews

After I installed, apparently every move I use gets an error? Here's the message:
[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `pbAdditionalEffectChance' for #<Battle::Move::None>

Battler_UseMove:716:in `block in pbProcessMoveHit'
Battler_UseMove:714:in `each'
Battler_UseMove:714:in `pbProcessMoveHit'
[M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore)] Battler_UseMove.rb:258:in `block in pbUseMove'
[M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore)] Battler_UseMove.rb:256:in `times'
[M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore)] Battler_UseMove.rb:256:in `pbUseMove'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [001] Animation Utilities.rb:278:in `block in pbProcessTurn'
PBDebug:6:in `logonerr'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [001] Animation Utilities.rb:278:in `pbProcessTurn'
Battle_AttackPhase:128:in `block (2 levels) in pbAttackPhaseMoves'
Nothing in the error points to anything relevant in this plugin. Seems like a M.A.G. issue, maybe.
An absolute BEAST of a kit. Get instant returns on installation with low hp music and databox removal during the move phase, and then use Lucidious's tutorial to craft any unique battle you can think of! Mid battle text, weather, terrain, music, a frickin' boss bar and mewtwo showing up in the peanut gallery! This kit has it all!
Look amazing!
i try the new data box style and i got this
[2024-11-10 18:35:50 -0500]
[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Script error in event 35 (coords 25,20), map 5 (Pueblo Verdejo)
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `hasZCrystal?' for #<Battle::Battler>

***Full script:
setBattleRule("databoxStyle", [:Basic,
"{1} the First Champion",
"{1} the Second Champion",
"{1} the Third Champion"
WildBattle.start(:COBALION, 40, :TERRAKION, 40, :VIRIZION, 40)

[Deluxe Battle Kit] [008] Databox Styles.rb:323:in `draw_style_icons'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [008] Databox Styles.rb:186:in `refresh'
[Type Icons in Battle] script.rb:61:in `refresh'
Battle_Scene_Objects:40:in `initialize'
Scene_Initialize:79:in `new'
Scene_Initialize:79:in `block in pbInitSprites'
Scene_Initialize:77:in `each'
Scene_Initialize:77:in `each_with_index'
Scene_Initialize:77:in `pbInitSprites'
BugContestBattle:8:in `pbInitSprites'
Yeah i know, i forgot to put a check in case the Z-Move plugin isn't installed. Ill fix this soon.
I have a problem with this, all I changed was Ogerpon

[2024-10-31 14:08:04 +0000]
[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass

[Deluxe Battle Kit] [000] Compiler.rb:125:in `block (2 levels) in modify_pbs_file_contents_before_compiling'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [000] Compiler.rb:106:in `each_key'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [000] Compiler.rb:106:in `block in modify_pbs_file_contents_before_compiling'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [000] Compiler.rb:104:in `each'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [000] Compiler.rb:104:in `modify_pbs_file_contents_before_compiling'
Compiler:985:in `compile_pbs_files'
Compiler:1018:in `compile_all'
Compiler:1092:in `main'
Main:29:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:18:in `block in mainFunction'
Your game is missing a required PBS file. My guess is map_metadata.txt, since that's usually the most common one people don't have for some reason.
Excellent plugin, milestone for the Pokemon Essentials Community. Also great communication + support by the author. 10/10!
[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]

Script error in event 23 (coords 14,36), map 14 (Cedolan City)
Exception: SyntaxError
Message: (eval):25: syntax error, unexpected '\n', expecting =>

***Full script:
setBattleRule("editWildPokemon", {
:name => "Ancient Suicune",
:shiny => true,
:item => :ICIUMZ,
:iv => 31,
:hp_level => 3,
:immunities => [:SLEEP, :FROZEN, :OHKO, :ITEMREMOVAL]
setBattleRule("midbattleScript", {
"UserHPHalf" => {
"text_A" => "Suicune is unleashing 100% of it's power!!",
"playCry" => :Self,
"battlerStats" => "[:DEFENSE, 1, :SPECIAL_DEFENSE, 1]",
"text_B" => "Suicune is charging a big attack!",
setBattleRule("midbattleScript", {
"TurnStart" => {
"ignoreUntil" => "UserHPHalf",
"playCry" => :Self,
"text_B" => "Suicune is unleashing it's ultimate attack!",
"useMove" => :BLIZZARD,
"useZMove" => true
WildBattle.start(:SUICUNE, 35)
Your midbattle scripts aren't formatted correctly. They're all supposed to be within a single battle rule. Please refer to the example section in the guide to see how they're supposed to look.
Exception: NameError
Message: undefined local variable or method `form' for #<Battle::Move::None>

[Deluxe Battle Kit] [002] Damage Calc Refactor.rb:399:in `crit_stage_bonuses'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [002] Damage Calc Refactor.rb:891:in `rough_critical_hit_stage'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [002] Damage Calc Refactor.rb:799:in `rough_damage'
204:AI_ChooseMove_OtherScores:300:in `block in <main>'
198:Battle_AI:130:in `block in apply_general_move_against_target_score_modifiers'
035:Event_Handlers:129:in `block in each'
035:Event_Handlers:129:in `each_pair'
035:Event_Handlers:129:in `each'
198:Battle_AI:129:in `apply_general_move_against_target_score_modifiers'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [002] Misc Utilities.rb:437:in `pbGetMoveScoreAgainstTarget'
Typo with Palkia's Spacial Rend.
Having an issue where the mega evolution scene doesn't show up. I tried to delete it and installed the DBK again but still doesn't work.
My Plugins are Berrypot, Modular UI Scenes, Delta Speed Up, Encounter List UI, Enhanced Pokemon UI, Following Pokemon EX, Generation 9 Pack, Lucas Scripting Utilities, TDW Debug List Search, Type Icons in Battle, v21.1 Hotfixes. Are any of them incompatible with Deluxe Battle Kit?
As the tutorial explains, the animation wont play if you already have an existing Mega animation saved. You probably installed something that added an empty animation. So just delete it.
I've been playing with this recently and it's just insanely fun to think of new ways to use it. I really appreciate the online tutorial too! It's very detailed
This Resource completely transforms the way I can look at scripting my battles, and the Tutorial Document gave me a ton of insight on how to implement and make use of the new features. I cannot put to words how excited I became when seeing the whole new world of possibilities I have easy access to in my projects now. Thank you, Lucidious89!
Having an issue where it is not working with '[DBK] Terastrallization' saying it needs version 1.09 and the one I have installed is 1.06, but I just downloaded it from there link here not sure what to do, weither it is the tera stuff or Deluxe Battle Kit
GitBook is telling me I don't have access to the Deluxe Battle Kit Tutorials, I'd be great if you could help
It's down because I'm updating it.
I'm having an issue with the plugin where it says "Exception `NoMethodError' at [Deluxe Battle Kit] [000] Compiler.rb:125 - undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass"
Make sure you're on the lastest version. But it sounds like you might be missing some PBS files.
You did a crazy job

You re really good at scripting
this is a good ebdx replacement, this also should be in the main kit in my opinion
Amazing work, a new staple to all my projects :) - Ilonias
this is absolutely incredible, thank you for creating this
this makes me creamy and tingly in my insides!!!!!
A revolutionary plugin in Pokémon Essentials history, I think.