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[v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

v21.1 [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map v2.6.3

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
  • When there's only 1 mode available, it won't show the button preview window and also won't play the sound when pressing the button to change mode.
  • When using Fly, the text and button to activate quick fly will be shown on the top right
New Setting:
  • You can now choose when you have 3 or more modes to either have the choice menu or have the mode change by pressing the set button each time
New stuff:
  • Added a new Feature to change between modes in style.
    • The "Button: Change Mode" text is displayed in a mode preview window. It will dissapear when previewing a quest.
    • 2 or less modes will change mode directly.
    • 3 or 4 modes (4 is max for now) will give you a choice menu to change mode. You can go from the first mode (normal map) to 4th mode (berry map) instead of having to press but Button (to change modes) 3 times and then experience the pain of having it pressed too much XD.
    • The mode preview window will not show on the fly map and the wall map.
    • When on the Quest Map and on a position that has a Quest Icon, the "Button: Change Mode" will instead say "Button: View Quest(s)".
    • When on the Fly Map and Quick Fly is enabled (either by default or by the switch), it'll always say "Button: Quick Fly".
    • Remember that each button can be changed in the 001_RegionMap_Settings.rb file

New Settings:
  • Added a new Setting to change the button to change modes.
  • Added a new Setting to change the names of each mode.
  • Added a new Setting to change opacity of the Highlighting of a location.
Attention: there's a new image file named "mapButtonPreview.png" don't forget to put this in the correct folder:
  • Graphics\Pictures\RegionMap\UI for v20.1
  • Graphics\UI\Town Map\UI for v21.1
New Setting:
Suggested by @REALMUGEN: you can now have the name of a Location be replaced with "???" or whatever text you want as long as this Game Map hasn't been visited yet.
IMPORTANT: It is very important that the Game Map and the Point name is named exactly the same or it'll not work, it won't crash your game but instead it'll still show the point's name.
You can do the same with Point of Interests on some Locations on the Region map, you can either make these empty by doing "" or name them something else.
Below demo video
of how it looks in game:

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed and issue with the quest name displaying for hidden locations on the region map. Everything else does work as intended.
If you have any new feature suggestions, issues, questions or need help with anything, feel free to contact me either here or on discord: Arcky1997
Recently Reported Issues:
  • The game might crash if you open the Region Map from a Game Map that has not a mapPosition defined in the map_metadata PBS file. To fix this, just make sure you have a position defined on the region map. Even if I find a work around for this issue, every single Game Map should have a position defined on the Region Map.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the script not using the correct (or expected) unvisited map image. This issue only appears when a location is set on the top left point of a city/town. As you might set a different highlight image for the Location.
  • Fixed the Quest Preview not showing and disappearing properly (I fixed this but removed the animation for now)
New Setting:
To fix the above mentioned issue, I've added a new setting in 001_RegionMap_Settings.rb.
Example City with Location.png

The Points set in the PBS for a location like this would be:
  • Point = 11, 11, Example City, Example Location, 3, 11, 12, ,Size1x1Small
  • Point = 12, 11, Example City, , 3, 11, 12, ,Size2x2
  • Point = 11, 12, Example City, ,3, 11, 12, ,Size2x2
  • Point = 12, 12, Example City, ,3, 11, 12, ,Size2x2
As you can see on the above shown points, the first point (top left one) has "Size1x1Small" set as highlight location. As you might know this name is as well used to find the unvisited map image for this location. The script only looks at the top left position. So to fix this you can either name your unvisited map image "mapSize1x1Small" but then you can't use this name if you have a location in a city with a different size. So to fix this more easily I provided a new setting:
New Setting:
  [3, 11, 12, "Size2x2"]
You simply need to add the fly point (MapID, MapX, MapY) and the name of the unvisited map image you want the script to use for this point. (don't include "map" in this setting but don't forget to include it in the image name itself).
Bug fixes:
  • fixed an issue when the map isn't properly centered based on the player's location (when opening the region map).
  • fixed an issue when the map in the pokedex isn't properly shown when the player's position is higher then 29 (x position) and 19 (y position). Thanks to @Drqiu for the fix :)
  • fixed a typo in the "highlight" folder, it's now named correctly (if you noticed this, just rename the folder, thank you)
  • when previewing a quest, if the map can be moved upward, the arrow pointing up will now be hidden behind the quest preview window as long as the quest preview window is shown.
  • when you are inside a building or any other place you can't use fly, the "ACTION: Fly" text on the top right will not be shown as you can't activate the fly mode anyways (this is when you allow to use fly on the pokegear/town map other than the fly field move)
  • when you are using a map that is the standard map size (480x320), pressing USE won't do anything in the pokedex area page as you can't scroll the map anyway.
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Reactions: Drqiu
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the fly Icons not appearing above unvisited map.
New stuff:
  • Added a New Feature: Region District Names: This lets you set up names for certain parts of your map.
  • Added a New Setting to turn on/off the Region District Naming and to set this up. (everything is explained in there)
  • Added a v20.1 townmapgen.html (I totally forgot that there was only one for v21.1)

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Reactions: wrigty12
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that appeared when you would put "Pallet Town" in the PBS file and the game map's name is set to "Lappet Town" it'll now ignore the name of the game map's name and use the one in the PBS.
  • Fixed an issue with the unvisited Map marking appearing above the Fly Icons for locations that you can't fly to yet (well unvisited :D )
  • Fixed another issue with the unvisited Map marking, if you put 2 points for the same location in random order (based on the x and y values), it'll now take the lowest point so the unvisited Map is placed correctly.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue when choosing "No" or pressing BACK when it asks to confirm the fly location, it would exit the map completely.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to load the map withouth the MQS (Modern Quest System) installed (probably didn't crash when the SHOW_QUEST_ICONS setting is set to false in 001_RegionMap_Settings.rb