- Fixed an issue where having the Terastal add-on plugin installed would cause redundant forms of species to appear when viewing compatible species in the Moves section of the Data page.
- Made some minor adjustments to the display of special moves that are obtained through non-traditional means, such as Rotom's exclusive form moves. Also eliminated redundant moves that would appear twice for certain species in their move lists.
- The Pikachu family will now properly display Volt Tackle as an inheritance move, not a TM/Tutor move.
- Fixed a bug that would display Undiscovered species as breedable with Ditto while viewing Ditto's data page.
- Evolution paths will now display correctly for species that have branching regional evolutions.
- Added a new flag that can be read for displaying the full evolution paths for species that have branching regional evolutions, but share the same base stage (Mime Jr. is the only current example of this).
- While viewing the family data of a species, any evolved form that is the final stage of an evolutionary tree will display (Final Stage) in the databox to indicate that that evolutionary branch cannot evolve any further.
NOTE: For full compatibility with this update, It's recommended that in thepokemon.txt
PBS file you add the flagEvoBranchForm_1
to Mime Jr.'s data.
This plugin has overgone extensive changes that brand new functionality as well as updated graphics and overhauled code.
- UI Polish
The entire UI has been given an additional coat of polish. Opening/closing menus or jumping through pages with the JUMPUP/JUMPDOWN keys now all have their own unique sound effects, and many menus will now display keyboard icons to indicate additional controls for that menu. A buzzer noise will now also play when trying to open a menu that would produce no results. There is also now a "Return" selection in the Ability/Item lists as well as in all species lists that will allow you to exit the menu when selected. While viewing a species list, the number of pages in this list as well as your current page will be displayed in the left hand corner of the display. Lastly, the code for compiling messages to appear in the message box has been greatly streamlined, as well as the code for compiling lists of species to display. This should (hopefully) boost performance and reduce lag.![]()
- Settings
A new setting called REGIONAL_NAMES has been added to the settings in [001] Page Setup. This is an array that contains the names of each type of regional form, and allows these regional forms to appear in species lists while navigating the Data page. If you have any custom region in your game with its own regional forms, you should add the name of those regional forms to this array to have your custom regionals appear in the Data page, too. When viewing evolved regional forms in the Data page, the evolution method for that form will display "<Region> Evolution" rather than "Evolution Method." This helps distinguish how to obtain these evolutions, despite in some cases having identical evolution methods to the base form (such as with Alolan Raichu, or Alolan Exeggutor).![]()
- Forms in Species Lists
Previously, when viewing lists of compatible species in the Data page, only the base form of each species would be displayed. This has been overhauled, so that now specific forms may appear as well. This includes all forms recognized as "regional" forms, which is handled by the REGIONAL_NAMES setting mentioned above. However, other forms may also appear if they meet the criteria of certain fields. For example, when viewing the Base Stats section, certain forms that have different base stats from their base form (like Megas) may appear in species lists, as they may meet the criteria for this list while their base forms do not. The forms that are shown is completely dependent on the criteria you're searching for. As a side note, species that appear in these lists will now always be displayed in Pokedex order.![]()
- Female Icons in Species Lists
In addition to displaying forms, species lists may now also display gendered icons in certain situations. For example, if you're viewing a female form of a species, all of the icons that appear for species in a species list will now also display female icons for those species (if any exist). The one exception to this is the "Breeding" section, which will instead display the opposite gendered icons to the species you're viewing. For example, if viewing the Breeding list for female Pikachu, the icons for all species in this list will appear male, and vice versa. This is to emphasize that the viewed form may only breed with the opposite gender.![]()
- Form Blacklists
The following species have been added to a "blacklist" which treats them as stand-alone species. This means they will always appear without any evolution/family data in the Data page, as if they're single-stage species:![]()
- Spikey-Eared Pichu
- Eternal Flower Floette
- Roaming Form Gimmighoul
- All capped Pikachu forms (8-15)
- Species Selection
When viewing a species list, you may now press the USE key while highlighting a specific species or form in order to immediately jump to that species' data page. This should now significantly improve Pokedex navigation, since you no longer have to scroll through the entire dex to view the Data page of a compatible species.![]()
- Expanded Species Lists
Every section in the Data page is now able to display compatible species when selected with the USE key. Previously, only certain sections allowed for this. Here are the sections that have been updated to now allow for this:![]()
- General Statistics
This section lists the capture rate and gender ratio of this species. When opened with the USE key, this will now display a list of all species that share the same gender ratio as this species.
- Family Data
This section lists the evolution paths for this species if it's unevolved, or the evolution method for obtaining this species. When opened with the USE key, this will now display a list of all species within this species' family. This includes regional forms, regional evolutions, and branched evolutions. This even counts Mega Evolutions as well as Gigantamax forms (if Dynamax is installed).
- Held Items Data
This section lists all of the wild hold items a species may be carrying. When viewing each item in this list, you may now select the highlighted item with the USE key, which will display all species that may also be carrying that item when encountered in the wild. In the message box below, details about the rarity of this item on the highlighted species will display.
- Abilities Data
This section lists all of the abilities a species may have. When viewing each ability in this list, you may now select the highlighted ability with the USEkey, which will display all species that also have access to that ability. In the message box below, details will display related to which ability slot this ability appears in for the highlighted species. Here's a list of the keywords that might be used to describe this:
- "Primary" => This ability occupies ability index 0 for this species.
- "Secondary" => This ability occupies ability index 1 for this species.
- "Hidden" => This is a hidden ability for this species.
- "Base" => This is the only natural ability this species has (excluding Hidden).
- "Only" => This is the only ability this species may have (including Hidden).
- Expanded Moves Menu
The Moves menu in the Data page has been greatly improved. While scrolling through move lists, you may now press the USE key while highlighting a move in order to view a species list of all species that are also capable of learning that particular move. However, you may instead press the ACTION key while highlighting a move in order to view a filtered species list that will only show species that learn the particular move but are also breeding compatible with the currently viewed species. While viewing either list, you can press the ACTION key to toggle between both modes. This should greatly help with planning out Egg Moves with breeding, or figuring out which species can pass down a move through the use of a Mirror Herb.![]()
- Z-Move Display
If the Z-Power plugin is installed which adds Z-Moves to your game, a new list of all possible Z-Moves the species can utilize will appear in the moves menu. The specific Z-Crystal used to unlock that Z-Move will also be displayed next to the move.
- Max Move Display
If the Dynamax plugin is installed which adds Dynamax to your game, a new list of all possible Max Moves the species can utilize will appear in the moves menu. If viewing a Gigantamax Form, the specific G-Max Move exclusive to that form will also be displayed in this list.
NOTE If you already have this plugin installed, you MUST delete your existing plugin files before installing this update. NOTE
- Implemented support for displaying unique form mechanics included in future plugins (Ultra Burst, Gigantamax, Terastal forms).
- Generalized how data for Primal forms are obtained by adding a new form handler key.
- Cleaned up some display messages.
- Renamed some files for more consistency across plugins which utilize Modular UI Scenes.
- Included a fix for shiny icon sprites displaying in the dex.
- Fixed an issue with Rapid Strike Urshifu not displaying the correct evolution item in the evolution display text when the Gen 9 plugin installed.
This isn't worthy of its own version update, but now that the Gen 9 Pack has been updated to v3.0.1, the placeholder evolution handlers for Gen 9 species have been removed from this plugin, since they now properly work in the Gen 9 Pack scripts.
- Fixed an error that would occur if you have custom Egg Groups or Habitats which you have not assigned an icon position value to.
- Reconfigured how the graphics for the plugin are stored so that they aren't accidentally deleted for completed projects.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash after registering a new species in the Pokedex.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a potential crash if the total number of species icons that appear in one of the sub menus happens to be an exact multiple of 12.
Minor Update (v1.0.1)
It's come to my attention that if you're using this plugin with scripts and PBS files taken from the Gen 9 pack, the evolution text for some of the species added by that plugin may not display correctly. This is due to the evolution handlers from that plugin not being fully compatible with v21.1 yet. To address this, I've updated this plugin to contain updated evolution methods that are compatible with v21.1. I'll keep these in the plugin as placeholder until the Gen 9 Pack is officially updated to v21.1.
Furthermore, I've noticed that there are several errors and/or missing elements scattered throughout the Gen 9 PBS files, which affects some of the displays in the plugin by displaying incorrect data. To address this, I'm going to include a script below that you can run to fix these errors. I'm not going to include this in the plugin, because it's incredibly niche and only serves a single purpose to be used only once; after which you can simply delete the script.
Again, this is only necessary to use if you're using Gen 9 PBS files. Otherwise, you can mostly ignore this update entirely.
Paste this code anywhere in an empty space in your Essentials script:
Next, in an event, run the scriptCode:module GameData class Item attr_accessor :real_portion_name attr_accessor :real_portion_name_plural end class Species attr_accessor :real_form_name attr_accessor :habitat attr_accessor :generation attr_accessor :flags end end module Compiler module_function def update_gen9 compile_items = false items_to_update = [ :AUSPICIOUSARMOR, :MALICIOUSARMOR, :BOOSTERENERGY ] items_to_update.each do |item| data = GameData::Item.try_get(item) next if !data compile_items = true case item when :AUSPICIOUSARMOR, :MALICIOUSARMOR data.real_portion_name = "set of #{data.name}" data.real_portion_name_plural = "sets of #{data.name}" when :BOOSTERENERGY data.real_portion_name = "capsule of #{data.name}" data.real_portion_name_plural = "capsules of #{data.name}" end end compile_species = false species_to_update = [ :WYRDEER, :BASCULEGION, :SNEASLER, :OVERQWIL, :ENAMORUS, :TAROUNTULA, :SPIDOPS, :NYMBLE, :LOKIX, :WATTREL, :KILOWATTREL, :WIGLETT, :WUGTRIO, :BOMBIRDIER, :VAROOM, :REVAVROOM, :CYCLIZAR, :GREAVARD, :HOUNDSTONE, :VELUZA, :ANNIHILAPE, :DARMANITAN_1, :DARMANITAN_3, :QUILAVA_1, :TYPHLOSION_1, :SNEASEL_1, :DEWOTT_1, :SAMUROTT_1, :PETILIL_1, :LILLIGANT_1, :BASCULIN_2, :RUFFLET_1, :BRAVIARY_1, :GOOMY_1, :SLIGGOO_1, :GOODRA_1, :BERGMITE_1, :AVALUGG_1, :DARTRIX_1, :DECIDUEYE_1, :BASCULEGION_1, :REVAVROOM_1, :REVAVROOM_2, :REVAVROOM_3, :REVAVROOM_4, :REVAVROOM_5 ] species_to_update.each do |species| data = GameData::Species.try_get(species) next if !data compile_species = true case data.species when :QUILAVA_1, :DEWOTT_1, :PETILIL_1, :RUFFLET_1, :GOOMY_1, :BERGMITE_1, :DARTRIX_1 data.flags.clear data.generation = 8 when :TYPHLOSION_1, :SAMUROTT_1, :LILLIGANT_1, :BRAVIARY_1, :SLIGGOO_1, :GOODRA_1, :AVALUGG_1, :DECIDUEYE_1 data.flags.clear when :DARMANITAN data.flags = ["DefaultForm_#{data.form - 1}"] when :BASCULIN data.real_form_name = "White-Striped" when :BASCULEGION data.flags = ["DefaultForm_2", "InheritFormWithEverStone"] when :SNEASLER data.habitat = :Mountain data.flags = ["DefaultForm_1", "InheritFormWithEverStone"] when :OVERQWIL data.flags = ["DefaultForm_1", "InheritFormWithEverStone"] when :ENAMORUS data.habitat = :Rare when :TAROUNTULA, :SPIDOPS data.habitat = :Forest when :WYRDEER, :NYMBLE, :LOKIX, :CYCLIZAR, :GREAVARD, :HOUNDSTONE data.habitat = :Grassland when :WATTREL, :KILOWATTREL, :WIGLETT, :WUGTRIO, :VELUZA data.habitat = :Sea when :SNEASEL, :BOMBIRDIER, :ANNIHILAPE data.habitat = :Mountain when :VAROOM, :REVAVROOM data.habitat = :RoughTerrain data.real_form_name = nil end end if compile_items GameData::Item.save Compiler.write_items end if compile_species GameData::Species.save Compiler.write_pokemon Compiler.write_pokemon_forms end if compile_items || compile_species Compiler.compile_all(true) end pbMessage(_INTL("Data successfully updated. You may now delete the Gen 9 Updater script.")) end end
. The game should start rewriting some of your PBS files, and then begin compiling. After which, a message will display telling you that the data successfully updated. After this is complete, you may close your game and remove the code you pasted above from your scripts, as it has done its job and is no longer needed.
After doing this and installing the latest update, all Gen 9-related issues in the Data pages should be resolved.