• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
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Ga-Olé Trainer Classes

Trainer battlers Ga-Olé Trainer Classes 1.0

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 5 reviews

Love the sprite quality. Do you also plan on realeasing OW sprites for this pack and the other packs or do I have to search for those seperately
10/10 work. The designs on Ga-Olé are one of the most expressive and underrated characters in the franchise and many fan games will benefit of having them.

Question, will you eventually make the Ga-Olé Battle Leaders sprites?
i love these sprite packs so much, ga-ole's designs are definitely very slept on and deserved the love. can't wait for more!
very cute sprites, but the question of why " I'd rather people not edit/recolour my sprites " is pointed out still lingers

is there an actual reason for this?
Thanks! I feel like an arist shouldn't need to explain why they don't want others modiying their art, and it should be evident but here's the reasons;

I have painstakingly poured many, many hours into my artwork. This work is the end result of many years of passionately honing my craft, and it goes far beyond just the actual spriting. A lot of time practising, reworking, gathering reference materials, hunting down source images, etc.
As such, I don't really want to see my creations be modified, stripped for parts, reused, reworked, dissected to be put back together in unusual chimeras, etc. Especially as they carry my name and would then no longer be a faithful representation of myself - for example on occasion I have seen people whitewash my sprites before which I do not agree with.
Aside from all that, I'm provididing a free service to the community so I don't think it's unreasonable to request.
Hope that clears it up, and thanks again for the review!
holy moly these sprites looks amazing and the posing is so dynamic!! you completely did these designs justice keep up the amazing work.
Thank you so much! I really love how dynamic the poses are of these guys- yeah! So few of them are just stood there. Thanks again!!