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v21.1 Python Instant Sorting SQL Script: The Sortable SQL Database Creator! 1.69

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
NEW SCRIPT - BUGFIXED AND BETTER THAN EVER, includes Pokemon_Forms edition!

Never again will this script unintentionally buff a Pokemon too much, making its BST over 600!

Create a text file, fill it with this, rename it from New Text Document.txt to "PokemonRebalancerScript.py", and run it by double-clicking it. Get the code from the newly created output.txt file and use it to overwrite your existing pokemon.txt file's code.

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filename = "pokemon.txt"
total_cap = 600  # new total cap
factor_cap = 1.5  # new factor cap
max_value = 255

def calculate_new_values(nums, total_cap, factor_cap):
    original_total = sum(nums)
    if original_total < total_cap:
        factor = min(total_cap / original_total, factor_cap)
        new_first_num = nums[0]  # Store the first number before modifying
        new_rest_nums = [int(min(num * factor, max_value)) for num in nums[1:]]
        new_total = new_first_num + sum(new_rest_nums)
        while new_total > total_cap:
            # Adjust the first number iteratively to ensure the total is not exceeded
            new_first_num = int(min(new_first_num - 1, max_value))
            new_rest_nums = [int(min(num * factor, max_value)) for num in nums[1:]]
            new_total = new_first_num + sum(new_rest_nums)
        new_nums = [new_first_num] + new_rest_nums
        new_nums = nums
    return new_nums

with open(filename, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

for i in range(len(lines)):
    line = lines[i]
    if line.startswith("BaseStats = "):
        nums = line.split("=")[1].strip().split(",")
            nums = [int(num) for num in nums]  # Convert back to integers
            new_nums = calculate_new_values(nums, total_cap, factor_cap)
            new_line = "BaseStats = " + ",".join(map(str, new_nums)) + "\n"
            lines[i] = new_line
        except ValueError:
            # Handle invalid input format gracefully

with open("output.txt", "w") as f:

And then, do the same with a new Python File to be named "PokemonRebalancerScript - Copy.py". This will buff Pokemon Forms, such as Alolan Rattata and Mega Pokemon.

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filename = "pokemon_forms.txt"
total_cap = 600  # new total cap
factor_cap = 1.5  # new factor cap
max_value = 255

def calculate_new_values(nums, total_cap, factor_cap):
    original_total = sum(nums)
    if original_total < total_cap:
        factor = min(total_cap / original_total, factor_cap)
        new_first_num = nums[0]  # Store the first number before modifying
        new_rest_nums = [int(min(num * factor, max_value)) for num in nums[1:]]
        new_total = new_first_num + sum(new_rest_nums)
        while new_total > total_cap:
            # Adjust the first number iteratively to ensure the total is not exceeded
            new_first_num = int(min(new_first_num - 1, max_value))
            new_rest_nums = [int(min(num * factor, max_value)) for num in nums[1:]]
            new_total = new_first_num + sum(new_rest_nums)
        new_nums = [new_first_num] + new_rest_nums
        new_nums = nums
    return new_nums

with open(filename, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

for i in range(len(lines)):
    line = lines[i]
    if line.startswith("BaseStats = "):
        nums = line.split("=")[1].strip().split(",")
            nums = [int(num) for num in nums]  # Convert back to integers
            new_nums = calculate_new_values(nums, total_cap, factor_cap)
            new_line = "BaseStats = " + ",".join(map(str, new_nums)) + "\n"
            lines[i] = new_line
        except ValueError:
            # Handle invalid input format gracefully

with open("output.txt", "w") as f: