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v21.1 Python Instant Sorting SQL Script: The Sortable SQL Database Creator! 1.69

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21 ➖
Ever wanted to quickly sort your Pokemon by stat, type, ability, name, or base stat total? Then you need my Python Instant Sorting SQL Script!

  • Populate water sources with Water Pokemon!
  • Want to quickly create some Snowboarders and the Ice-type Gym Leader by writing Ice into the Types list (ensuring only Ice-types are displayed) and clicking the Attack column to sort it by highest attack to lowest attack?
  • Sort Pokemon by BST to find weak Pokemon to place at your game's start and stronger Pokemon to place at the end/in optional areas!
  • Search for a specific Pokemon Type or Type Combination or Name!
  • Search for a specific ability! Want to know who in your game has Adaptability or Download or Prankster?
  • Make some Hikers and Miners and the Rock-type Gym Leader by writing Rock into the Types list (ensuring only Rock-types are displayed) and clicking the Defense column to sort it by highest defense to lowest defense!

Simply copypaste the following code into a new text file in your PBS folder, rename it to "Pokemon-SQL-Sorter.py", and run it. This will create a "pokemon_db.db" file, which you can open with "DB Browser (SQL Lite)" or any other SQL program you want. I recommend a free and open source one! Now you can sort through all the Pokemon in your game however you want!

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import sqlite3

# Function to create and populate the database
def create_and_populate_database(text_filename, db_filename, table_name):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # Create table
    cursor.execute(f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name} (Name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Types TEXT, HP INTEGER, Attack INTEGER, Defense INTEGER, Speed INTEGER, SpecialAttack INTEGER, SpecialDefense INTEGER, BaseStatTotal INTEGER, Abilities TEXT)")

    with open(text_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
        pokemon_data = {}

        for line in lines:
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("[") and "]" in line:
                if pokemon_data:
                    insert_data_into_database(cursor, table_name, pokemon_data)
                pokemon_data = {"Name": line[1:-1]}
            elif "=" in line:
                key, value = map(str.strip, line.split("="))
                if key == "Abilities":
                    abilities = value.split(",")
                    abilities = [ability.strip() for ability in abilities]
                    pokemon_data[key] = ', '.join(abilities)
                    pokemon_data[key] = value

        # Insert the last pokemon data into the database
        if pokemon_data:
            insert_data_into_database(cursor, table_name, pokemon_data)


# Function to insert data into the database
def insert_data_into_database(cursor, table_name, data):
    cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} (Name, Types, HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, SpecialAttack, SpecialDefense, BaseStatTotal, Abilities) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                   (data["Name"], data.get("Types"), data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[0], data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[1],
                    data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[2], data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[3], data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[4],
                    data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[5], calculate_base_stat_total(data), data.get("Abilities")))

def calculate_base_stat_total(data):
    return sum(int(data.get("BaseStats").split(",")[i]) for i in range(6))

# Function to retrieve and display sorted Pokémon data
def display_sorted_data(table_name, sort_column):
    conn = sqlite3.connect('pokemon_db.db')
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    if sort_column == "BaseStatTotal":
        cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} ORDER BY {sort_column} DESC")
        cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} ORDER BY {sort_column}")

    sorted_data = cursor.fetchall()

    for row in sorted_data:


def main():
    text_filename = 'pokemon.txt'
    db_filename = 'pokemon_db.db'
    table_name = 'pokemon_table'

    create_and_populate_database(text_filename, db_filename, table_name)

    print("Database has been populated.")

    # Jason Godwyn is the coolest
    display_sorted_data(table_name, "BaseStatTotal")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Me, also known as Jason Godwyn.
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