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Legendary Breeding [v20.1]

v20.1 Legendary Breeding [v20.1] v1.0.3

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
IMPORTANT This update requires v1.2.5 of Essentials Deluxe to be installed. That update requires that you start a new game. IMPORTANT

  • The following statistics are now tracked by the game, and can be accessed with the following scripts:
    • $stats.legendary_eggs_hatched: Tracks the total number of times the player hatched a Legendary Pokemon from an Egg.
    • $stats.paradox_pokemon_engineered: Tracks the total number of times the player received a Paradox Pokemon from a Paradox Engineer.
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Reactions: A.I.R
  • Added Walking Wake and Iron Leaves to the list of Paradox species that can be created through Paradox Engineering.
  • Added Egg Moves for all Paradox species.
  • Updated the Pokemon PBS data to now include breeding data for Gen 9 Legendaries: Ting-Lu, Chien-Pao, Wo-Chien, and Chi-Yu.
  • Removed Magearna from being a breedable species, as it really doesn't make any sense for a literal robot to produce Eggs in any way.
  • Refined the Egg Move lists for all species; condensing them, and removing instances of all moves that appear as TM's as of Gen 9.
  • Updated the PBS data for all relevant items added by this plugin to now utilize the PortionName and PortionNamePlural properties, to allow for compatibility with the Improved Item Text plugin.
  • Changed any item text displays utilized by the plugin to now display portion name text wherever appropriate.
  • Added the Paradox Engineering mechanic for all Paradox species added in Gen 9. Details of the mechanic can be viewed below.

Paradox Pokemon
Gen 9 has added a slew of new species known as "Paradox Pokemon" that are functionally equivalent to Legendaries in the way Ultra Beasts were. Because of this, I've decided to include them as part of this plugin. However, Paradox Pokemon don't really make sense as being breedable (particularly the Future Paradox species), so I haven't simply made them breedable in the traditional sense. Instead, I created a brand new mechanic called "Paradox Engineering".

Paradox Engineering
Paradox Engineering functions identically to breeding, except instead of going to the Day Care couple to produce an Egg, you go to a Paradox Engineer to have them create a Paradox species for you.


There are two different types of Paradox Engineer. Both types of Engineers work the same way.

  • Genetic Engineer
    A scientist focused on the Ancient Paradox species. They will Genetically Engineer one of these ancient Pokemon for you if you provide them with samples of modern-day genetic relatives to these paradox Pokemon that they can use to model their work on.

  • Cybernetic Engineer
    A scientist focused on the Future Paradox species. They will Cybernetically Engineer one of these futuristic Pokemon for you if you provide them with samples of modern-day species that these paradox Pokemon are based on, to act as a blueprint on how to build them.

Engineering Requirements
First, their services will not be unlocked until you acquire a Booster Energy item. Once you do, the Engineer will recognize it and tell you that if they use this as a power source, they'll be able to engineer a paradox species for you. You will need 1 Booster Energy for each Paradox species you want to produce. This works as the "cost" for Engineering a Pokemon, instead of paying with money to keep your Pokemon in a Day Care to produce Eggs. If you bring them a Booster Energy, you'll next need to bring them two Pokemon for them to begin the engineering process.


  • First Pokemon
    This Pokemon determines the species of what Paradox Pokemon is produced. This Pokemon is basically considered the "mother", if we are to translate this to breeding terms. However, unlike breeding, the gender of this first Pokemon does not matter. Even if the Pokemon is male, the Paradox Pokemon that is produced will always have their species decided by this first Pokemon you select. Also unlike breeding, only CERTAIN species can be selected. A Pokemon like Pikachu, who has no Paradox species that are based on it, is ineligible and cannot be selected.

    However, a Pokemon like Volcarona would be eligible, since it does have both the Slither Wing and Iron Moth Paradox species who are based on it. Note that even in this case, Larvesta would not be eligible, despite being in the same family as Volcarona. ONLY the species that have a specific Paradox species based on it is eligible. The one exception to this is Gardevoir and Gallade, since Iron Valiant is based on a combo of both of them. So either species can be used to create a new Iron Valiant.

    Also note that the type of Engineer you are speaking to changes which list of species are eligible. If you are speaking to a Genetic Engineer, then only species related to Ancient Paradox species are eligible. If you are speaking to a Cybernetic Engineer, then only species related to Future Paradox species are eligible.

  • Second Pokemon
    This Pokemon basically acts as the "father" of the pair, if we are to translate this to breeding terms. Unlike the first selected Pokemon, this second Pokemon doesn't need to be related to any Paradox species at all. However, all of the traditional breeding compatibility rules apply to this second Pokemon. It needs to be within a compatible Egg Group to the first selected Pokemon, as well as have the opposite gender of the first selected Pokemon (or Ditto). If this second Pokemon is unable to breed for whatever reason, it is also not eligible.

    This Pokemon basically acts as the catalyst for the Engineering process, and provides some variance for the Engineer. This allows them to use this second Pokemon as a backup reference source when they come across gaps in their knowledge about how to sequence the genes or design the AI of the Ancient or Future Paradox species, respectively. In gameplay terms, this basically means IV inheritance, Egg Moves, and all the other goodies that come from breeding.

Receiving Your Paradox Pokemon
Once two compatible Pokemon samples have been selected, and a Booster Energy has been provided, you're all set. Next, the Engineer will tell you they will need some time to complete their work, and to come back later. The Engineer will not keep your selected Pokemon, so they will still be with you during this time. In order to receive your new Paradox Pokemon from the Engineer, you will need to start walking. The amount of steps required for the Engineer to finish his work is equal to the number of Egg Steps that particular species would require if it was traditionally bred and hatched from an Egg.

After the appropriate number of steps, you may return to the Engineer to receive your new Paradox Pokemon. It will be at level 1 when obtained, and pretty much be identical to what you would have received if you had been able to breed the Pokemon normally. The only difference, of course, is that it doesn't come from an Egg, so its "met" text will obviously be different. It will also display the location as "Paradox Engineer" instead of "Day-Care Couple".


Note that it's totally possible to have multiple different Engineers designing a Paradox Pokemon for you at the same time. But any steps that you take can only be put towards a single Paradox Pokemon at a time. So if you speak to one Engineer, all of the steps you just took since the last time you spoke to an Engineer will be put towards completing that Engineer's Pokemon, and no progress will be made towards any of the other Engineer's Pokemon.

Setting up a Paradox Engineer Event
To set up a Paradox Engineer in your game, you simply have to enter the following script in an event:
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pbParadoxEngineer(paradox_type, gender)
The first argument, "paradox_type", requires you to enter either :ancient or :future. This will determine whether this is a Genetic Engineer that will create Ancient Paradox Pokemon for you, or a Cybernetic Engineer who will create Future Paradox Pokemon for you. If omitted, this will default to a Genetic Engineer.

The second argument, "gender", refers to the gender of the actual NPC who will be speaking when you talk to them. This will change the color of their text in dialogue boxes. When set to 0, the NPC will be considered male, and thus have blue text. If set to 1, the NPC will be considered female, and thus have red text. If omitted or set to -1, the NPC will be considered genderless and have normal black text.

In addition, there is also a third argument you may enter if you wish. If your game does not feature the Booster Energy item, or if you wish to have another item set as the cost of engineering a Paradox Pokemon, then you may simply set the ID of that item as the third argument in this method. If omitted or left as nil, then the item will default to Booster Energy as it normally is.