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Recent content by Tenshi of War

  1. Tenshi of War

    Resource Overworld Shadows

    I had the same error code in vanilla Essentials v21.1 with Hotfix plugin. I managed to solve this changing the following lines of code: NOTE: [Line code num] Line to change —> New line of code [41] @sprite = ::Sprites::Base.new(viewport) —> @sprite = Sprite.new(viewport) [42]...
  2. Tenshi of War

    Resource Cable Car Tileset

    Tenshi of War submitted a new resource: Cable Car Tileset - Cable car and its trellis tiles in 4th gen style! Read more about this resource...
  3. Tenshi of War

    Tiles Cable Car Tileset

    I was inspired by: The cable car may not be 10/10, but I did my best. You can always upgrade it!
  4. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    I already said the compatible scripts in the relative section. Everything else is to test out and is up to you. The script just replaces the static sprites with the animated ones, I don't see how a script that changes the battle-system and its UI should not be compatible however. Moreover, I...
  5. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    I just tested both fly and dig and there is absolutely no issue with them. Did you properly install the code in PSystem_FileUtilities?
  6. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    Actually I didn't. I never thinked about shadow pokémons because I don't really like the idea, so they didn't come to my mind. I don't even know how Essentials manages them. But you can just replace the old istances of animatedBitmap with the new wrapper ones (be careful about the fact that the...
  7. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    Tenshi of War updated Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials with a new update entry: Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Tenshi of War

    Battlers Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials - Backsprite scale update

    Now you can scale backsprites! Everything to know is in the instruction/notes section!
  9. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    Sorry to answer so late. This resource is gonna be updated very very soon, thanks to Luka S.J. who made a completely new wrapper for EBDX. With the new script you can select how many frames to skip and/or how to speed it up (or slow it down). The speed value was possible in the old version of...
  10. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    Gonna update the resource soon. It will be possible to automatically scale backsprites.
  11. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    Tenshi of War updated Animated in-battle Sprites for vanilla Essentials with a new update entry: All Sprites Repositioning Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Tenshi of War

    Battlers Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials - All Sprites Repositioning

    The download now comes with: ► the script (instructions to install inside); ► all sprites in the Battlers folder, already resized in 96x96p (static sprites are not in the best quality!) ► an English PBS containing battlers coordinates (made for all 898 pokémons and forms) Fixed some mistakes...
  13. Tenshi of War

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    Tenshi of War updated Animated in-battle Sprites for vanilla Essentials with a new update entry: Pokédex fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Tenshi of War

    Battlers Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials - Pokédex fix

    Same version, just added the instructions on how to edit the Pokédex, so now the sprites move in there.
  15. Tenshi of War

    Battlers Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials 2.0

    General Info Have you ever wanted Pokémon animated sprites in your game? Well then, I suggest you the new EBDX from Luka S.J! => Link here However, if for some reason you don’t want it, or you can’t have it in your game, this resource allows you to have animated pokémon sprites in battle, in...