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Recent content by PDM20

  1. PDM20

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Veluza's sig move Fillet Away has a typo. the move itself and the AI's code call upon "RaiseUserAtk2SpAtk2Speed2LoseHalfOfTotalHP" while the class defining it's actual effects is titled "RaiseUserAtkSpAtkSpeed2LoseHalfOfTotalHP"
  2. PDM20

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    Found a bug, I've done some modifications on my version of the script to iron out some other bugs, but this one is beyond me. the issue is as followed: Select one pokemon, move it (using either white or gold) to any empty space, turn the cursor green and try and grab it. it will cause the crash...
  3. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    This could be an old save issue. delete your save file and start a new game, I'm still unable to replicate this error, and from past experiments I know some save data 'lingers' if that makes sense.
  4. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    Did you install this as a Plugin or in the In-Game Script Editor? also, what else are you using for this project.
  5. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    Eventually. When you see me drop something called the "Toy Box" It'll be out. Don't get your hopes up though, Life has given me less time to code anything
  6. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    Thanks for the report. I'll update version 4.0.3 with this fix.
  7. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    What is your current party limit set to? Have you actually changed the Party Limit? if not, run ppSetLimit(0) (This will not cause you to have a Party of 0 POkemon it just sets it to the default value of 6)
  8. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    PokeMiner20 updated PartyPlus with a new update entry: Link Up Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. PDM20

    PartyPlus - Link Up

    Added Compatibility for the Pokemon Box Link item added from the gen 8 project
  10. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    I never looked into the Gen 8 Project's Box link. Simply wasn't a big priority. as for a 7 party limit, I chose not to include it because of how the UI would look. I've uploaded patch 4.0.3 with something that I hope fixes the box link problem.
  11. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    yes, It's called putting # in front of the line that says the messages
  12. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    there is, but it requires modifying every ui in the game, which is why it's set up the way it is rn.
  13. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    change line 70 and 76 of the plugin to equal 3 and 0 respectively. then start a new game
  14. PDM20

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    Greetings. This resource is very nice and polished. I find the cosmetics very appealing. because I'm a weirdo I decided to test something on a test game. I Created a script that increases (or decreases, dev's choice) the number of pokemon the player has (You can find it here, I call it Party...
  15. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    PokeMiner20 updated PartyPlus with a new update entry: Aligned with Purpose Read the rest of this update entry...