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Recent content by Mozart

  1. Mozart

    In Development Fierce Melody (Updated 16/03/2019)

    Ooh I'm gonna keep an eye on this, this looks cute so far and I'm kind of a sucker for music-themed places. Real excited to see what comes of it!
  2. Mozart

    Released Pokemon Universe -Across Time and Space-

    Yeeeah I had to wrestle a lot with my stupid antivirus too, but now it's all updated, now I have to figure out where the heck I was and what to do next since last time I played :B
  3. Mozart

    Released Pokemon Universe -Across Time and Space-

    So I do a version check and it says "version not compatible! Update is needed!" but all that does is send me to the site and...nothing happens, my version remains the same. Am I supposed to do something specific to initiate the "in game update" cause it feels like I've run the installer several...
  4. Mozart

    Released Pokemon Universe -Across Time and Space-

    Finished the demo, I enjoyed it! The presentation is pretty neat and tidy (though that first battle with Ethan and Red took way too long for my liking, why did he have so many freaking full restores?) and the mystery gift Rowlet is adorable and a nice touch to set apart the game (even if she...
  5. Mozart

    Discussion Username Backstories

    I'm Mozart. My sister started calling me that one day. She insists that I was annoyed by it but I thought it was cool and started using it as my online handle. No relation to Mike Mozart or other Mozarts out there, or even Monets since that's also been a thing that's happened before.
  6. Mozart

    In Development Pokémon Wings of Season

    Love the art/style you've got going for the game! I look forward to being able to try out a demo when it comes :3
  7. Mozart


    Don't mind me, just popping in to give props for calling your version "angelite"--underappreciated/obscure gemstones yeeeah!
  8. Mozart

    LEAST Favorite Features - Main Games and Fan Games

    So I don't remember if I ever mentioned this anywhere but can I just throw it out there that for fangames specifically: I am not a prude about swearing, I actually do a lot of it outside of here. But seeing a Pokemon character being like "[dropping a million F-bombs and you little bastards I'll...
  9. Mozart

    Released Pokémon Ethereal Gates

    I have emerged from the depths of the ocean to inform y'all that there's been a post on http://pokemonetherealgates.tumblr.com/post/164407942018/82017 their tumblr about updates chugging along! I would die for dustowl hbu
  10. Mozart

    Thanks dude!

    Thanks dude!
  11. Mozart

    Released Pokemon Sunset (Progress Check)

    Okay! I'm back with the demo about as far as I can complete it I think (just fought What's-His-Name) with some proper feedback/bug reports! Pros: I love the art, it's very cute, and the main characters having little expression portraits is an equally cute touch (especially seeing as Yuki does...
  12. Mozart

    Released Pokemon Sunset (Progress Check)

    Ah see I figured that would be the solution, but after the point where you have to get the professor's coffee there's no option for editing your partner tab. I did try first instead of coming here to complain, I swear!
  13. Mozart

    Released Pokemon Sunset (Progress Check)

    So I'm playing this and enjoying the art and interesting story, I figured I'd just point out that it's almost impossible and kind of frustrating to try and catch other Pokemon. They break out of their balls regardless of if their health is in the red and with the double battle mechanic, even if...
  14. Mozart

    Entertainment Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Hype and Predictions [Beware of Sun and Moon spoilers]

    The black parts of Solgaleo and Lunala's formes look like that other Pokemon that came late in the game, Necrozma? It came out of nowhere seemingly and had no bearing on the plot as far as we know, but it has a star pattern on the back of its head and is described as seeming like it came from...
  15. Mozart

    Discussion Pokémon Direct 6.6.2017

    Yeah if it was for Switch too I would feel kind of, how do I want to say this, irritated? Like mentally comparing the two versions like "who is getting the better experience?" because I can't afford a Switch at this point and I don't know how availability will be since Nintendo is perpetually...