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Recent content by LuckyBlackCat

  1. LuckyBlackCat

    In Development Pokémon Deception

    Is it a Rebornlike? (Big fan of those.) I ask because it looks a great deal like Reborn, and has an episodic structure. Also, Marelstorm is awesome.
  2. LuckyBlackCat

    Completed Pokémon Tectonic

    Just finished, and wow. Definitely one of the top tier fan games out there. First of all, great job with the rebalancing, and making all mons both unique and viable! Secondly, interesting story and characters. The premise "what if you started your journey after the champion already defeated the...
  3. LuckyBlackCat

    Which Pokemon need evolutions or pre evolutions?

    There was a recent discussion in the Discord about how annoying it is that male Combees and Salandits can't evolve, yet they have majorly skewed gender ratios. You spend the longest time searching for females. So evos for the males would be well received.
  4. LuckyBlackCat

    Eevee would make a way better Pokemon mascot than Pikachu.

    Eevee would make a way better Pokemon mascot than Pikachu.
  5. LuckyBlackCat

    In Development Pokémon Deception

    Yay Sound type! And I'm a sucker for lengthy games with loads of gyms and exploration potential. Looking forward to it!
  6. LuckyBlackCat

    Games with good storyline and rare Pokémon

    Pokemon Bushido is heavily story driven; it's set in a feudal Japan inspired region much like Hisui, and you play a samurai investigating a ninja clan while also tracking down your missing father. As for rare Pokemon, you can easily get ones like Eevee, Happiny and Riolu early on.
  7. LuckyBlackCat

    Discussion Recommendations for fangames in Gen 4 style?

    Pokemon Tectonic is the best match I can think of. Not only can you catch all Pokemon, they've been reworked so all of them are viable. No Exp All, but grinding has been done away with, and you mainly use candies to gain experience.
  8. LuckyBlackCat

    In Development Pokémon Starfall

    Oh wow this looks great! Chromander is a really creative and refreshing take on the starter system, and the artwork is gorgeous! Can't wait until chapter 1 is out.
  9. LuckyBlackCat

    Favorite Video Game Music?

    Oh yes!! The Kakariko Village theme was used in Pokemon Bushido, and works great. Nomists, what kind of feel are you going for in your game? Fast-paced or cozy, dark or cheery, rustic or futuristic, etc.
  10. LuckyBlackCat

    Which Pokemon need evolutions or pre evolutions?

    Solrock and Lunatone, they're cool Pokemon in terms of design and concept, but not so much in terms of mechanics. As well as getting much-needed evos, they could have a pre-evo that connects them.
  11. LuckyBlackCat

    Favorite Video Game Music?

    My friend/fellow dev and I have been listening to a lot of Bug Fables music lately. As well as it being great music from a great game, some of the tracks would mesh pretty well with Pokemon.
  12. LuckyBlackCat

    Discussion Style and Aesthetic

    Yeah, aesthetics are reasonably important, not as much as gameplay and story obviously, but the overall feel and imagery are the things that ground the player in the game. So when overworlds are a mishmash of different tiles from several artists, they get jarring. This is why I'm mostly making...
  13. LuckyBlackCat

    Completed Pokémon Bushido

    Just completed the main story and loved it! Opponents' katana techniques add that little bit of extra challenge, turning HMs into katana abilities was pretty creative, and the twist at the end concerning the leader of the Akui clan was great. Also, gym clan leaders who actually do stuff, Black...
  14. LuckyBlackCat

    Welcome to the Eevee Expo forum!

    Yay it's back!! This community really is unstoppable.
  15. LuckyBlackCat

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    Espeon is my favourite Pokemon, but green Espeon is my least favourite shiny. I'd make it gold, being a sun Pokemon and all.