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Recent content by notminiac

  1. notminiac

    still looking forward! [MEDIA]

    still looking forward!
  2. notminiac

    Welcome to the Eevee Expo forum!

  3. notminiac

    Resource Voltseon's Multiplayer Solution

    Do you have Elite Battle Deluxe? I'm getting the same error.. If you don't, it might be a problem of the plugin.
  4. notminiac

    Resource Voltseon's Multiplayer Solution

    This plugin looks AMAZING! Tested it out with a couple of friends and it worked wonders. The only problem is that it doesn't seem compatible with the unofficial port of Elite Battle Deluxe (21.1). Could it be possible to add compatibility with the plugin? I saw someone suggest the same thing in...
  5. notminiac

    Resource Type match-up summary

    I'm so sorry for the misunderstood... I moved out the "plugins" folder when configuring the type chart plugin. After moving it in and recompiling it works perfectly. Thank you so much for the plugin, again! For now I'll just play with the graphics and try to accomplish the "dual item" idea.
  6. notminiac

    Resource Type match-up summary

    Hello! I thought of adding an Item that let's you see a Type Chart (like a Town Map) and I was wondering how to add the functionality. Tried this simple script but it didn't work. How could I make it work correctly? Additionally, how could I open a window that asks if you want to see a...
  7. notminiac

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    Hello! I'm getting this error when opening Encounters in the pause menu.
  8. notminiac

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    This works as a wonderful quickfix as I was getting the same error with the plugin, thought I was the only one. If you manage to find a bug caused by the edit in the code, please update with a new comment! Looking forward for this plugin's development.
  9. notminiac

    Resource Level Caps Ex

    Does this your plugin work with Elite Battle DX 21.1? Been trying to configure it but haven't been able to make it work
  10. notminiac

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    Does the plugin support LAN connection provided by Hamachi? been trying to set a connection but we haven't been able to configure it properly if it's possible
  11. notminiac

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    That finally did it! Thank you so much for the plugin. :) I'll send any crash/bugs I find with my friends.
  12. notminiac

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    I finally managed to achieve an online battle. The battle went well until it ended (at which point the trainer appears with his victory message) and the game crashed with the following message.
  13. notminiac

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    Is Deluxe Battle Kit supported? The manual states that it is, but that "[v20+] Set to true if Essentials Deluxe is installed. Do not set to true for Deluxe Battle Kit", and on cable_club.py there's just "ESSENTIALS_DELUXE_INSTALLED = False # Specifically Essentials Deluxe, not DBK...
  14. notminiac

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    Log says: 2024-02-29 01:12:32,163: INFO: --------------- 2024-02-29 01:12:32,280: INFO: Refreshing Rules due to changes 2024-02-29 01:12:32,280: INFO: Started Server on 2024-02-29 01:12:47,738: INFO: connect 2024-02-29 01:12:47,752: DEBUG...
  15. notminiac

    Resource [v16/v17/v18/v19/v20/v21] Cable Club

    Hello, I'mstill having the next problems: In the Cable Club (debug): if not StrictVersion(version) >= GAME_VERSION: In the game console (debug): Exception `Errno::EINVAL' at [Cable Club] 006_CableClub_UI.rb:316 - Invalid argument @ dir_chdir -...