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Recent content by wrigty12

  1. wrigty12

    Resource Simple Diagonal Movement Support

    🤷 I guess you can try it out and see.
  2. wrigty12

    Custom ability not working

    Those edit the damage output, but it won't change the effectiveness (you won't see "not very effective" or "super effective"). For that, you'll need to add something to the pbCalcTypeMod function. Use CTRL + SHIFT + F to search for "def pbCalcTypeMod(moveType, user, target)" and open the one in...
  3. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    I wasn't able to reproduce the issue myself, but I made a change that hopefully prevents it.
  4. wrigty12

    v21.1 Event Indicators - 1.1.1 - Split out Settings & hopeful crash fix

    BEFORE UPDATING ANY FILES: If you have made any edits to 001_Script for settings or indication definitions, make sure to make a backup of the file before updating the plugin. If you copy over files to update, it will overwrite your changes. Change Log IMPORTANT: I've split out Settings from...
  5. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    wrigty12 updated Event Indicators with a new update entry: 1.1.1 - Split out Settings & hopeful crash fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    wrigty12 updated Event Indicators with a new update entry: 1.1 - X and Y adjustment rework Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. wrigty12

    v21.1 Event Indicators - 1.1 - X and Y adjustment rework

    BEFORE UPDATING ANY FILES: If you have made any edits to 001_Script for settings or indication definitions, make sure to make a backup of the file before updating the plugin. If you copy over files to update, it will overwrite your changes. Change Log 🛠️Reworked how you add x and y adjustments...
  8. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    Aha I think I know why. I'm using a command that is in vanilla essentials to grab the comment, and I never explored it more than a few cases. Interesting that that is how it works. I'm probably going to redo how you can define x, y values then. I already have it in mind and should be a quick...
  9. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    That's.... Very weird. Before line 104, can you add a new line echoln params and when it crashes, show me what the console says?
  10. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    I guess I can just keep adding nil checks. Can you open the 001_Script file in the plugin, and edit lines 104 and 105... @x_adj += params[1][0] @y_adj += params[1][1] to look like this... @x_adj += params[1][0] if params[1] && params[1][0] &&...
  11. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    Hmm that looks correct. I never saw this crash when testing though, but I did see a few others that I fixed. Did you change the settings for the plugin at all? Specifically the x and y adjustment ones?
  12. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    Your third screenshot is the same as your second one
  13. wrigty12

    Resource Pokemon Contests and Pokeblocks [Beta]

    The problem is just that the gen 9 pack moves file exists. The current code can't handle multiple moves files, as that was added to v21 and that's why the compiler changed. So again, updating movesx_contest isn't going to change anything. The function I mentioned needs updating.
  14. wrigty12

    Resource Pokemon Contests and Pokeblocks [Beta]

    Gen 9 moves not being in the file should have no effect. The error is saying there are the wrong number of arguments being passed. It looks like @Caruban missed a spot when making changes. Their version is still using the def compile_moves(path = "PBS/moves.txt") definition instead of v21's def...
  15. wrigty12

    Resource Event Indicators

    Having the definition be a Comment is an easy way for something within an event "run" without running the event. The original suggestion was having something in the name be the definition, but then it limits it to one indicator for the entire event. Comments per page add a lot more flexibility.