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Search results

  1. wrigty12

    Resource Lure Item for v21.1

    https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/visible-overworld-wild-encounter.429019/ The code has duplicates of wild pokemon generation functions for the overworld versions, so your lure code would have to be added to those just like you did to the originals.
  2. wrigty12

    Limiting Party size for an event

    FL Pokemon Selection should do the trick
  3. wrigty12

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    First, if you are forcing system weekday but otherwise time will pass using the unreal system, that's going to be confusing to the player. If I'm playing for 3 in-game days, but it's still Wednesday the entire time, that would feel broken. Second, it's "Time.now", capital T
  4. wrigty12

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    Have you each started a new save file after installing this plugin? Or maybe your custom Pokemon isn't defined in the tasks pbs for this plugin? At least Zephyrias's crash looks to occur because $player.pokedex.tasks[<pokemonID>] isn't defined
  5. wrigty12

    I haven't had the motivation to update it. I know lavendersiren is looking into making changes...

    I haven't had the motivation to update it. I know lavendersiren is looking into making changes to it for their own v21 game (you can see in the resource's discussion page) so with the investigation they've done either I'll find time to eventually go down that list and update it all or maybe...
  6. wrigty12

    Resource Pokemon Contests and Pokeblocks [Beta]

    Yep, the frame changes with pbWait was one of the biggest reasons I've put updating this off. Libpng errors are benign. I never used to make sure they were corrected, but I started doing so with my more recent plugins I thought I re-uploaded the zip file with the crowd_animated file.. it was...
  7. wrigty12

    Resource Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Makes sense, looks like I got my next challenge for my game!
  8. wrigty12

    Resource Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Hey Lucidious, what are the chances you support your Select Battler UI as a replacement for target selection for moves? I was thinking of looking into doing the change myself, but thought I'd ask if it was anywhere on your roadmap
  9. wrigty12

    Resource Debug List Search

    No, it doesn't support ID's that are defined in PBS. The search works by looking through the string that is already visible in the search itself (so ###: Name in most cases).
  10. wrigty12

    Resource Berry Core and Dex

    Look at how other Pokegear items are set up, duplicate one, and use pbBerryDex as the code call within it.
  11. wrigty12

    Other Feedback for some ideas

    -All trainers ask you if you accept to battle (no more forced trainer battles). -Most of trainers accept rematch and update their team if you became champion. -Gyms available in any order. -Gym leads have different teams depending on how many badges you have. -Gym battles limited to use the...
  12. wrigty12

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    You're missing a comma after the } on line 15
  13. wrigty12

    Resource Pokemon Contests and Pokeblocks [Beta]

    It's on my "It's going to take a bit of work, and I haven't found a chunk of time to sit down and do it" list, unfortunately.
  14. wrigty12

    Map New Pewter City + Cerulean City reworks

    I think I agree with A.I.R. The town itself feels quite spread out and empty. I'd also recommend trying to make the town borders not a square (I know that's similar to how it looks in FRLG, but still, square towns need a bit more variety for their border shape). Take a look at how Pewter looks...
  15. wrigty12

    Think about what features from mainline games don't seem to have a plugin created already. Ones...

    Think about what features from mainline games don't seem to have a plugin created already. Ones that come to mind are SV Indigo Disk's Item Printer or SwSh's PokeJobs
  16. wrigty12

    Resource Tip Cards

    The TIP_CARDS_GROUP_LIST will allow you to view the list!
  17. wrigty12

    v21.1 Tip Cards - Update 1.2 - More settings and showing a list of groups

    BEFORE UPDATING ANY FILES: If you have made any edits to the 000_Settings file, make sure to make a backup of that files before updating the plugin. If you copy over files to update, it will overwrite your changes. Change Log ⚙️Added a TIP_CARDS_GROUP_LIST setting. If this is true, when the...
  18. wrigty12

    Resource Tip Cards

    wrigty12 updated Tip Cards with a new update entry: Update 1.2 - More settings and showing a list of groups Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. wrigty12

    Resource Tip Cards

    Once I'm able to get back to my computer, I'll look into adding it as an option. Shouldn't be too hard to add
  20. wrigty12

    Resource Tip Cards

    Groups and the group header already acts like that list, just without the list view always on screen. For instance, you just make a group called Crouching and add both tips about crouching to it. Add all the other groups too (Catching Pokemon, Battling against Wild Pokemon, etc.) all with their...