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Recent content by Saucecoie

  1. Saucecoie

    Released Pokémon Triad Master

    Found the game very hard to put down! As a card game enthusiast I'm very pleasantly surprised at how you managed to reinvent triple triad. One thing, though; I've noticed that for the dojo tournament, the listed rulesets are often wrong. I found myself having the terrain ruleset listed 3 times...
  2. Saucecoie

    Welcome to the Eevee Expo forum!

    We are so back
  3. Saucecoie

    Released ULTRALITE

    Hello! Thank you for the report. This seems to be a bug with the Medicinal Apron. I've fixed it up, but the patch won't be out until later today, so please DM me on Discord if you'd like to get an early patch and continue playing!
  4. Saucecoie

    Released Vinemon: Sauce Edition

    One of the most anticipated releases of our generation
  5. Saucecoie

    Relic Castle Anniversary

    Wow, 7 years, now that's crazy! I joined around 2017, and I can confidently say that as much as back then, I keep being empowered by all of the wonderful, passionate devs and their labors of love. I'm a person who lacks motivation, but this community keeps getting me back on my feet with all of...
  6. Saucecoie

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial II

    just realized there's a tile error on the top left so if you can fix it that'd be swell
  7. Saucecoie

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial II

    This should fit right into plot 29! (Hopefully I didn't mess this up)
  8. Saucecoie

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial II

    Hit me up with that plot babey
  9. Saucecoie

    Short-term Looking to commission Background Artists and more for a non-Pokemon Unnamed Horror project

    Hey there folks. Today I'm posting a bit of an unusual recruitment thread. As the title suggests, I am looking for background artists for a small 4 week long project. The context for this is a game jam where I am going to program an entire game from scratch using the Love2d engine. The game is...
  10. Saucecoie

    Game Jam Game Jam #7: Recruitment

    Looking to recruit: Eventer and or Mapper and or Scripter with intermediate or higher experience with essentials (because I am bad) Jam Entry Title: (It's a secret) (Actually I haven't thought about it yet) Team Name/Team Members: Myself, Skurleton, Xiapher Progress/Screenshots: I've got a basic...
  11. Saucecoie

    Released Pokémon Divulgence

    Congrats on releasing a demo! Your game looks intriguing :eyes: I'll definitely play it when it has a larger demo! Keep at it, friend!
  12. Saucecoie

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial I

    Thank you for this! This has been great for reducing my stress levels, and I look forward to the continuation of this concept! I'll see you all on the next thread ;)
  13. Saucecoie

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial I

    Here's the official lore for this plot: There is a Pidgey friend inside of the birb house and he is famished. If you come by please leave some seeds or buggies for him to eat. Plot 34 btw
  14. Saucecoie

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial I

    can I also has another plot??? this is too much fun