there is a link to version 20.1 at the bottom of the page when accessing the downloadWhere can I find the latest version for v20.1?
Maybe I'm blind, but when I click on the download page it takes me to the direct download to the drive.there is a link to version 20.1 at the bottom of the page when accessing the download
V3.0.0 and above is not compatible with v20.1 so that error is normal, stick with v2.7.0 or consider updating your project with v21.1I installed version 3.0 last time and it gives me this error:
[Pokémon Essentials version 20.1][v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7][EBDX v1.4.2 (E20)]Exception: NoMethodErrorMessage: undefined method lerp' for #<PokemonRegionMap_Scene>Backtrace:[Arcky's Region Map] 002_RegionMap_PreviewBox.rb:298:in animatePreviewBox'[Arcky's Region Map] 001_RegionMap_Main.rb:274:in block in pbMapScene'[Arcky's Region Map] 001_RegionMap_Main.rb:267:in loop'[Arcky's Region Map] 001_RegionMap_Main.rb:267:in pbMapScene'[Arcky's Region Map] 002_RegionMap_Classes.rb:57:in pbStartScreen'UI_PauseMenu:231:in block (2 levels) in <main>'MessageConfig:570:in pbFadeOutIn'UI_PauseMenu:228:in block in <main>'[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 003_VoltseonMenu_Menu.rb:54:in update'[Voltseon's Pause Menu] 002_VoltseonMenu_Main.rb:222:in block in update'
i try the 2.7.0 and instantly crash. The 3.0.0 work but crash with interactionsV3.0.0 and above is not compatible with v20.1 so that error is normal, stick with v2.7.0 or consider updating your project with v21.1
You shouldn't be using v3.0.0 in essentials v20.1 can you just show me what the error is for v2.7.0? Maybe you have installed wrong version of my utilities plugin. Join my discord if you can, it'll be easier helping you that wayi try the 2.7.0 and instantly crash. The 3.0.0 work but crash with interactions
i try the 2.7.0 and instantly crash. The 3.0.0 work but crash with interactions
Here are the utilities version you should be using. It's my fault if you were enable to get them. Let me know if you still have trouble and consider joing my discord server. It'll be easier to help you there.
Hello! I'd like to thank you for this marvelous plugin and the others you have created! This plugin seems to work mostly flawlessly for me using Essentials v21.1 with the latest versions of this plugin as well as your Utilities. The one minor issue I seem to have is the text from display boxes flashing on screen before the boxes roll up. I tried to capture a video of it but it came out about half the frame rate so imagine it twice as fast. The text flash is really quick, it's just something that nags at my OCD. More than likely it's something I've done or didn't do as I'm relatively new to this so I thought I'd just bring it up for a hopeful remedy. Thank you!
Edit: Also now noticing there is no color being added to any of the Icons, as well as some PNG files not being named correctly and crashing. I renamed the "northeast/northwest/southeast/southwest" Icons to "northEast/northWest/southEast/southWest" as that's what was crashing and fixed that problem. Are any of the icons meant to be case-sensitive? When switching to the Fly Map I get "Exception `Errno::ENOENT' at 001_RPG_Cache.rb:127 - No such file or directory - Graphics/UI/Town Map/Icons/Fly/MapFlySel.png" indefinitely until switching back to Normal Map. This file in said folder is named "mapFlySel.png", just a lowercase letter off.