Relic Castle Game Jam #9
June 30th - August 10th, 2023
Overview Thread - Pre-Results Discussion Thread - Recruitment Thread
You should join our game-jam channel in the Discord server!
What a great round of entries we had! I hope you spent the last month playing through the grand array of entries we had, because I believe this was the largest variety of games created ever! I could list off the different strengths of each game, the different genres, or the different ways that the theme "Dimensions" was used in each entry, but instead I'll get right to it... the Judge's Spotlight winners! Okay actually, first I want to give thanks to my fellow judges who all really did the heavy lifting; thank you @Nandthesword, @TechSkylander1518, @KennyCatches, @Voltseon, @ENLS, and @King_Waluigi!

This was a difficult decision to narrow it down as there were so many great entries! Let's announce who we chose as Judge Spotlight winners! In order of release:

In the worlds of the Petra Mandala, two forces are locked in an eternal struggle for power.
One side puts safety above all - even if it may come at the cost of freedom.
The other prioritises freedom, even if it may put one's safety in jeopardy.
It is up to the interloper - the one who exists despite everything - to shatter this stalemate once and for all.

Click here to view the thread!

Capture and purify over 55 Shadow Pokémon, learn over a dozen brand new Shadow moves, and experience Poké Spots, but this time without the waiting, all in this homage to Pokémon XD from the GameCube era!

Click here to view the thread!

Traverse the brand-new region of Glombo as Sonic and his new friend, Marvin the Marill! Meet old and new friends and foes as you search for the seven Chaos Emeralds as well as collect six Gym Badges from tough trainers!

Click here to view the thread!

In this captivating roguelite adventure, you'll dive into the shoes of an Ultra Recon Squad rookie who's just joined the newly formed "Lite Squad." As violent Ultra Beasts have been on the rise, this squad has their sights on restoring the peace in Ultra Space by navigating through its diverse dimensions and overcoming their perils.

Click here to view the thread!

Help Professor Espoir uncover the secrets of a strange phenomenon and aid the International Police in collecting evidence against the shadowy Team Distorsion. Encounter a variety of Pokémon on the way and don't underestimate the Ice-type - it may have different type interactions in Toranku than what you're used to.

Click here to view the thread!

It's time for you to go out into the unknown! Traverse new areas, take on the Velos Gym Challenge, find new Pokémon, and meet people with new perspectives at your OWN leisure!

Click here to view the thread!

WAYYY off the coast of Sinnoh is an itty, bitty island called "Isle Flora!" Year-round, a festival is held to honor the mythical Pokémon Shaymin! This is called the "Gracidea Festival!" Play as a young trainer who will challenge the Flowerkeepers of the Gracidea Festival, an important rite on the isle.

Click here to view the thread!
With 58 voters and nearly 180 votes, the Game Jam has come to a conclusion! Thank you to everyone who participated in the game jam, whether you worked on a team, created an entry, played through the game jam entries, and/or voted! Looking for something else to play? Check out the Relic Castle Game Jam Archive for a list of previous game jam entries, or scroll through the entire site's directory of fan games: Progressing Projects and Project Showcase
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