Before we start off!
Hey everyone, I am here once again with a new gba romhack project!
This time around I am making a sequel to my first romhack (and Part 1 of my series), Pokémon Saiph!
This is Part 3 of my romhack series, The VytroVerse! (Hack made from: "1636 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels)")
Part 1: Pokémon Saiph
Part 2: Pokémon Sors
Part 3: Pokémon Saiph 2
Part 4: Pokémon Sors 2
Further parts will be added in the future!
Part 2: Pokémon Sors
Part 3: Pokémon Saiph 2
Part 4: Pokémon Sors 2
Further parts will be added in the future!
Story (Spoilers)
Welcome to the region of Regris! Old Almia was once a peaceful nation, learning to live together with Pokémon. The almians lived in peace, until one day an ancient beast, Darkrai, appeared and kept the region's population under terror. They were forced to move underground, where Darkrai's powers couldn't reach them.
Mysteriously one day, a knight found a way to put an end to Darkrai's terror, sealing it on a new land he claimed and named New Almia. As a result, Old Almia changed its name to Regris and brought the land a new era... however it also created a new nation it started to rival.
Centuries later, due to unknown reasons the Regris Government layed eyes on Darkrai's ancient powers once again, to keep themselves safe from Almia, or perhaps to break the world order of The United Regions...
It has been 3 years since the events of Pokémon Saiph, and only a couple weeks since the chaos was quelled in Hupest with the help of Micah Kusei.
Micah and Darlo on his way back from a diplomatic event in a faraway region, got into a plane crash, that ended up taking them to Regris, where now they have to
face an organization, called the Regressists, who are trying to reclaim Darkrai's lost powers... Are they doing this for Regris? Or perhaps there is something else going on behind the scenes? Find out in Pokémon Saiph 2!
Mysteriously one day, a knight found a way to put an end to Darkrai's terror, sealing it on a new land he claimed and named New Almia. As a result, Old Almia changed its name to Regris and brought the land a new era... however it also created a new nation it started to rival.
Centuries later, due to unknown reasons the Regris Government layed eyes on Darkrai's ancient powers once again, to keep themselves safe from Almia, or perhaps to break the world order of The United Regions...
It has been 3 years since the events of Pokémon Saiph, and only a couple weeks since the chaos was quelled in Hupest with the help of Micah Kusei.
Micah and Darlo on his way back from a diplomatic event in a faraway region, got into a plane crash, that ended up taking them to Regris, where now they have to
face an organization, called the Regressists, who are trying to reclaim Darkrai's lost powers... Are they doing this for Regris? Or perhaps there is something else going on behind the scenes? Find out in Pokémon Saiph 2!
Features (v1.4.0)
- A new region to explore, Regris! (And an extra surprise about regions in the end)
- The Complete Fire Red Upgrade as the game engine... finally! (Items, moves, abilities, Pokémon, pss split etc. Updated to the latest standards)
- Proper Battle AI
- Multiple modes to play the game in! (Randomizer, Lvl scaling, exp all etc. These modes can be combined as you please!)
- For the dedicated players: Hero Mode and Vigilante Mode!
- Once again a full PokéDex now including gen 8 too!
- DexNav
- Side Quests
- Soaring & Diving (The classic HMs are present as Field Moves not requiring an HM taught)
- Ancient Regression (It works like Mega Evolution)
- Easy and accessible EV Training
- Nature Changing
- Move Tutors available across Regris
- Mystery Gifts & Ingame Events
- Day/Night System and possible D&N events (the emulator needs to support RTC)
- Battle Frontier
Hero Mode & Vigilante Mode
Hero Mode is essentially the game's "Hard Mode" with various changes applied to your gameplay!
(It's also randomizeable)
Vigilante Mode!
(It's also randomizeable)
(It's also randomizeable)
- Trainers Scale based on your highest leveled Pokémon
- Forced Set Mode
- Harder Boss Battles
- Saving tied to Pokémon Ranger like save spots (no start menu saving)
Vigilante Mode!
(It's also randomizeable)
- Trainers Scale based on your highest leveled Pokémon
- Wild Pokémon Scale based on your lowest leveled Pokémon (only from v1.2)
- Forced Set Mode
- Harder Boss Battles
- Saving tied to Pokémon Ranger like save spots (no start menu saving)
- Game Soft Resets after a Loss!

- Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.4.0 (2024)
Previous Releases:
Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.3.2 (2023)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.3.1 (2023)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.3.0 (2023)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.2 (Samurott & ITPNav Fix) (2023)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.1 (2023) (Fillbur Isle Rock Glitch Fix)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Final Release v1.0 (2023) (Whiteout glitched fixed)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Tech Demo (2021)
Pokémon Saiph 2 Tech Demo Christmas Edition (2021)
Length: The entire game, including the postgame! (And a whole lot of fixes + additions)
Notes: Additional .ips patches need to be applied to the prepatched Saiph 2 rom! (versions must match to avoid issues)
Documentation is available on this Google Drive link. Documentation and Additional Patches are packed in the .rar/.zip of the Final Releases too!
Do not use Demo save files in the final release! Save files between versions of the Final Release are compatible, no need to restart! (If you switch to v1.2, make sure you don't save right at the Pokémon Center's counter in the old version before transferring the save file!)
Lag Fix Mod: From v1.3.0 onwards this mod is included in the base game, so no need to apply any lag fix mods!
How to check Version: Save file screen indicates what version you are on.
Mystery Gifts!
Claim them after getting the PokéDex in any Pokémon Center. (In Randomizer modes the code gifts are also randomized!)
Mini gifts you can claim right away:
Chespin XY2016V
Fennekin XY2016VNM2
Alolan Sandshrew ALOLASET1
Alolan Vulpix ALOLASET2
Alolan Exeggcute ALOLASET3
Alolan Diglett HEEYEHEYE
Alolan Meowth ALOLASET4
Alolan Geodude ALOLASET5
Alolan Grimer ALOLASET6
Fennekin XY2016VNM2
Alolan Sandshrew ALOLASET1
Alolan Vulpix ALOLASET2
Alolan Exeggcute ALOLASET3
Alolan Diglett HEEYEHEYE
Alolan Meowth ALOLASET4
Alolan Geodude ALOLASET5
Alolan Grimer ALOLASET6
Major gifts revealed periodically:

Revealed on: 2023. September 22nd

Password: bpAg8wq2bgXD
Revealed on: 2023. October 2nd

Revealed on: 2023. October 9th

Password: rvKVLVcifx1S
Revealed on: 2023. October 16th

Password: TjsM65XA2YRY
Revealed on: 2023. October 23rd

Password: vJ826B2BK1Ws
Revealed on: 2023. October 30th (from v1.3.1 only!)

Password: dHrT3navFrft
Revealed on: 2023. November 6th (from v1.3.1 only!)

Password: x3daxfmrsVTO
Revealed on: 2023. November 13th (from v1.3.1 only!)

Password: CXDvoUMo0afE
Revealed on: 2023. November 20th (from v1.3.1 only!)
Password: AUxVmd6J5UUy
Revealed on: 2023. November 27th (from v1.3.1 only!)
Type Null
Password: e01hEg76mlKL
Revealed on: 2023. December 4th (from v1.3.1 only!)
Password: ILaXojWUu9Nw
Revealed on: 2023. December 13th (from v1.3.1 only!)
Giratina Event
Password: U4EPYEMNil8v
Revealed on: 2024. May 6th (from v1.4.0 only!)
Arceus Event
Password: 7rEWaM9Ddn0U
Revealed on: 2024. May 13th (from v1.4.0 only!)
Solgaleo Event
Password: KNULjiTj1HsW
Revealed on: 2024. May 21st (from v1.4.0 only!)
Lunala Event
Password: IGX18s5ZVGDY
Revealed on: 2024. May 28th (from v1.4.0 only!)
- All fixes of previous versions
- New Mystery Gift events
- Incarnation Cave added to Regris Sea (Island Area) - Opens up after defeating Asher
- Intro crash on certain platforms has been fixed (name choosing intro removed, now you pick your name after waking up on Fillbur Isle)
- Widened Compatibility! (game fully playable on mGBA with bios, hardware: flahscarts & 3DS VC, etc.)
- Ev-Iv Screen moved from Summary Screen to Pokemon Center Ev-Iv Guy (this fixes the PC Crash)
- Collision issue in Vientown fixed
- Ev Trainer has been updated to be more efficient
- Apricorn crafting only requires 3 berries instead of 5 (a .txt guide is packed with the recipes)
- Crafting Red Apricorns now also gives 2 pieces
- Now it's possible to craft White Apricorns
- Leech Fang TM description fixed
- DexNav Grass rustle tiles fixed
- DexNav Sand rustle tiles fixed
- "Captured" Icon sprite fixed
- Small tunnel between Sabbio Desert and Agrito Village removed (you warp between the two areas immediately now)
- Seadra Encounter buffed in Hero & Vigilante Mode (it's a Kingdra in these modes)
- Sailor in Pueltown was added to be able to sail to Haruba Village
- Sabbio Town grunt fights slightly touched up (extra dialogue & they disappear after winning)
- Cubone can be evolved into Alolan Marowak (Using Dusk Stone)
- Sandshrew can be evolved into Alolan Sandslash (Using Ice Stone)
- Vulpix can be evolved into Alolan Ninetales (Using Ice Stone)
- All casual NPCs have black text now
- Berry Pouch and TM Case Icons updated
- More Grammar fixes
- Minor fixes & changes
- All fixes from v1.3.0-1 carry over
- Bubble animation to seaweed added in Underwater areas
- Tempou Ruin grunt fight removed (fixes possible MyBoy softlock)
- Link Trade room map finished
- ID Thing removed, both from the intro and ITPNav as it had no use
- Regressed Samurott reworked (has Battle Armor, stats changed, gender and lvl up moves fixed)
- Regressed Nidoking, Nidoqueen & Flygon lvl up moves fixed
- Pickup Master Ball relocated to Mt. Temporita
- Minor fixes
- All fixes from v1.3.0 carry over
- Mystery Gifts were expanded
- Pocket Pot's apricorn output is doubled
- After Nature changing, stats change with the changed nature right away
- Minor fixes
- All fixes from v1.2 carry over
- The basic item seller lady on Fillbur Isle won't sell items until you have at least one Pokémon
- Item Pickup fanfare not playing in Haruba Village & Desert fixed
- Background palette when evolving/using screen shaking moves while in battle in interior areas fixed
- Pikachu can be evolved into Raichu's Alola form using a Shiny Stone
- Shenow final fight reverted back to the original fight from v1.0 & 1.1 (Hero & Vigilante modes too)
- Tag Team Partner Ai intelligence increased
- Darlo has a Regression Typhlosion in the final Tag Team Fight
- An Ability Capsule can be found in the Safari Zone in the main campaign
- Mt. Temporita soaring spot can be used after reaching the peak (mostly to accommodate Hero & Vigilante mode players)
- Out of bounds DexNav spots reduced (Specifically Filuse Volcano and some water areas)
- Colen PokéDex actually has a unique Pokémon order reflecting Saiph 1
- Ending sequence scenes shifted around to make them visible even if HoF scene crashes
- Possible Ranger School softlock fixed
- Starters can have their Hidden Abilities as their secondary abilities (Scorbunny line has Protean, Greninja has Battle Bond)
- After the Main Campaign's ending sequence, Micah obtains his old team from Saiph 1/Sors (if party was full, they are added to the PC)
- Lag Fix Patch was built in the base game (Means that the lag is fixed somewhat)
- A Lori Postgame fight was added to Ranger School
- An Aspen Postgame fight was added (Talk to Aspen in the Lab after the Almia story)
- Actual reward for finishing the PokéDex added (talk to Aspen to claim it)
- PokéDex completion requirement changed to 815 slots (from 830)
- Regressed Banette is Ghost/Normal
- Quilava learns Snarl via lvl up
- Typhlosion learns Crunch via the Move Relearner in Pokémon Centers too
- Meloetta can learn Relic Song via the Move Relearner
- Meltan evolves to Melmetal at lvl 50 (previous versions only needed a Metal Coat)
- A few Regression From abilities changed
- Levels of wild Pokémon raised by 3-5 levels mid-lategame (in non scaling modes)
- Relicanth, Corsola, Chinchou, Torkoal, Electrike, Clamperl, Cacnea, Cherubi, Psyduck, Timburr, Clauncher can hold shards
- 2 Move Tutors added to Agrito Village
- Move Tutors added to Peril Cliffs, Qendro Mall, Sabbio Desert, Hiencuro Icelands, Podeti Bay and Crimseti Forest
- 3 Move Tutors added to Battle Frontier
- Nature colors removed from summary screen (EVIV screen still shows colors to indicate the nature's effect)
- A Nature Changer was added to Agrito Village
- Growing White Apricorn glitch with Pocket Pot fixed
- White Apricorn sprite fixed
- Berry gain from seeds with Pocket Pot is doubled
- The Rockruff line doesn't learn Rock Climb by lvl up anymore (to prevent possible sequence break)
- More hidden items placed in the overworld
- TM 30 moved to Ancient Pueltown
- TM 73 can be found at the Battle Frontier
- TM 99 can be found in Hia Valley
- TM 47 moved to Fillbur Ruins
- TM 57 can be found in Sabbio Desert
- 'Move Tutor' in Pokémon Centers is renamed to Move Relearner (because actual Move Tutors are added across the game)
- Mulch prices were halved (500, 1000 & 1500)
- All available legendaries & mythicals have their hidden abilities as secondary abilities
- Cresselia got Magic Guard as secondary ability
- Darkrai got Soul-Heart as secondary ability
- Bike Quest fixed
- Sweet Berry item in quest fixed
- New Diploma graphics after completing the PokéDex were added
- Dream Mist can be purchased in Podeti Bay (Dream Mist item was added to the game)
- Shellos (Lakefront & Sea), Joltik & Happiny Quests fixed
- Spiritomb Quest causing the Credits not to play fixed
- In Haruba Village & Boyleland the game loads Almia's map
- Minor fixes
- Collision Issues fixed
- A bunch of grammar issues & typos fixed (Mostly in Postgame)
- All fixes from v1.1 carry over
- Using Waterfall in Ancient Pueltown removed
- Inaccessible hidden items out of bounds Removed
- TVs showing Town Map fixed
- Sabbio Desert Ladder glitch fixed
- Murkrow moveset for first Olean fight changed
- Hero & Vigilante Mode Boss name differentiaters removed
- Potential MyBoy exclusive softlock at the ending and Tempou Ruins fixed
- Made Qendro Mall Quest Items hidden until quest is accepted
- Fixed pricing of Power Lens
- Trading changing Moves of Pokémon Glitch Fixed
- Torchic Trade not being available Fixed
- Move Tutor was made free, no more scamming
- Regris Net function made available when PokéDex is obtained (until Soaring is unlocked, it's called Colen Net)
- Healing animation Poké Balls after whiting out are at the correct spots
- Samurott can Regress now
- Typhlosion can learn Dark Pulse via Move Tutor in Pokémon Centers (to accommodate to its new Regression form)
- Lapras' Regression Form removed
- Greatly Reducing out of bounds areas that the Dexnav can reach
- Great Ball being listed twice in Mart lineup after a certain point fixed
- All tag team partners (except first Olean tag team fight in the cave) obtained an extra Pokémon
- Focus Sash can be purchased at the Mall
- Destiny Knot can be purchased at the Mall
- A Master Ball can be picked up in Regris Police HQ
- Trainer Scaling prompt text fixed to properly reflect if you turned it on or not
- Soaring to Mt. Temporita is restored (unlocks when you defeat Shenow)
- Soaring getting disabled after whiting out fixed
- Possible sequence break using Dig in Regris Police HQ fixed
- Inverse Battles becoming normal after first battle at Battle Mine fixed
- TM55 teaching Arm Thrust (despite description and icon) instead of Brine fixed
- Regressed Darkrai cry fixed
- Safari Zone music loops
- Randomly Added Silph Scope item glitch fixed
- Non existent encounters removed from DexNav
- VS Seeker removed (quest reward is an EV trainer from v1.2)
- Egg Move tutor added to Battle Frontier
- Shenow final battle team changed (for Hero & Vigilante Mode too)
- Zekrom Event added to Marine Cave (Dark Stone needed)
- Regi Golem Quest fixed
- Shiny Regressed Typhlosion, Nidoking, Nidoqueen & Flygon color palettes fixed
- Shedinja available with new method (see changed evolutions guide)
- Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Runerigus available with new methods (see changed evolutions guide)
- Wild Pokémon now scale according to you party's lowest level in Vigilante Mode
- In Vigilante Mode Early game enemy trainer teams slightly changed to accommodate for the scaling induced higher level curve
- A bunch of collision Issues Fixed
- A bunch of grammar issues & typos fixed (Mostly in Main Campaign)
- Minor Technical & Graphical Fixes
- Couple typos/grammatical mistakes fixed
- Possible sequence break in the beginning fixed
- Possible sequence break when you have to surf to Fillbur Isle fixed
- NPCs that should be gone after the Crimseti Forest Events do disappear (makes Mall available)
- Collision issue at Regris Sea & Marrgon Foothills fixed
- DexNav encounter glitch in Tempou Ruins fixed
- Glitchy Bidoof NPC text fixed
- Hidden Ultra Ball giving 0 Balls fixed
- Minor fixes
- Grookey Code can be used now (Thread had the wrong code, now it's the right one)
Full Release - Base Version
Links you may find interesting.
Game's Discord Server | Entire Soundtrack of the hack | Documentation
Launch Trailer
Frontier Brain Battle Theme
Legendary Beast Theme
Game's Opening Theme
Wild Battle Theme
Trainer Battle Theme
Links you may find interesting.
Game's Discord Server | Entire Soundtrack of the hack | Documentation
Launch Trailer
Frontier Brain Battle Theme
Legendary Beast Theme
Game's Opening Theme
Wild Battle Theme
Trainer Battle Theme
Bugs (v1.4.0)
- Opening the Town Map at certain areas places the location mark at the wrong spot (mostly side areas)
- TM Case text box visual glitch (not game breaking)
- 'Use Vent' and 'Use Dive' bubbles get messy if the start menu is opened (corrects itself if closed)
- Unown is referred to as Beartic in Dexnav (only in text)
- Changed Nature reverts back to the original nature if the Pokémon is placed in the PC
Emulator Compatibility (General Information)
- With v1.4.0 onwards, all emulators should be compatible! (hardware, like ezflash flashcarts and such weren't tested, but should work)
- When it comes to cheats, you are on your own, as they can mess up the game, thus I won't provide cheats, and there won't be cheats listed anywhere.
- Game made from "1636 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels)"
- Support for any commercial ROM's will not be given in this thread.
- Chaos Guardian, Theghostofpink, Hyper, Skullcap_Linus, Meomite, Epaul, Elgranr (Beta Testers)
- Skeli -and everyone who contributed to it- (CFRU Game Engine & DPE)
- Sivak Drac, Teck, ShinkoNet, Moxxa, Sean Bee, SHINE, King Meteor, Chron Dafter, Ryu Hokoru, Jeisson, Speedcrimson12, Mastered Realm,
MezmerKaiser, Some Body, Jace, MaliceX, Klaperz (Base midis, VGMusic users, Music, List may expand over time) - Hyo (Some parts of Micah's sprites)
- hbdfreitas (BW Styled HP Bars)
- Umbren (Starter Choice Poké Balls)
- BlueRosie (Save File Screen Hack)
- Vent & Ruki/Gold (Trainer Card)
- Vent (Naming Screen)
- CompuMax (New Options Screen)
- FYTYNo1, DestvoL, Othienka, darkversekr, Nova (New Ancient Regression Form Sprites)
- CrystalArk (PokéWalker Item Sprite)
- Epaul (Cord Mod Sprites, Epaul Sprites, Micah End Credit Running Animation, Frio Battle Sprite)
- azimuth (EvIV Screen Code)
- kWharever (Battle Backgrounds)
- GoGoJJTech -and everyone who contributed to it- (For the DS Music Base giving me the soundfont I'm using)
- Magiscarf, ChaoticCherryCake, princess-phoenix, WesleyFG, KingTapir, TheGreatZeKro, PkmnAlexandrite (Public Tilesets, will be expanded considering progression)
VytroVerse Chronicles
Pokémon Sors 2 Teaser
[icon]star[/icon] Support Banner [icon]star[/icon]

[icon]star[/icon] Part 2: Pokémon Sors [icon]star[/icon]

[icon]star[/icon] Part 4: Pokémon Sors 2 [icon]star[/icon]

• Credits may expand/change over time.
• The romhack was developed me, there was no development team, but special thanks to Epaul & theghostofpink for their contributions!
• This is Copyright © 2021 by #Vytron. Do not claim as your own. If you upload my game (or showcase it) anywhere make sure to give credit and provide the official documentations and source links! (and if possible only distribute the game's .ups patch files instead of prepatched roms!)
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