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QoL Feedback and Opinions


Mar 2, 2025
Hello all!

First post here, and wanted to open up the floor to some suggestions for my in progress game.

I'm currently developing a GSC-style game which I'm about 15% done with. Since I'm still early on, I wanted to get some input on what QoL features people cannot live without in a game. I would like to get input across three categories, style/general design, overall game balance, and modifiers. I'd like to implement as many as is feasible for my eventual 1.0 release.

As for what I've done so far, with style and/or design choices I'm trying to stay true to the original GSC feel but still make changes to differentiate from the base games. Currently I've modified tilesets and Pokemon sprites to try and incorporate a wider color palette compared to the classic games. I've done my best to make these edits lightly as to not change the overall tone or make it feel too much like later titles. Similarly, in Kanto I've made changes to the tilesets palettes to make it blend over from Johto but make it feel distinct from the neighboring region. What other stylistic changes do you feel like are necessary for you to not hate staring at the game after a few hours of play?

Probably the toughest and most open ended category is game balance. Currently I'm working towards rebalancing stat lines to make all Pokemon more viable without removing their unique stat distributions. My methodology so far was to look at highs and lows of 'mons that I sorted into categories that I determined (usually evolution stage), removed extreme outliers and got the lower and upper range for stat total. Took 'mons that fell below this range and assigned them a random stat total that fell within the new potential range and evenly distributed stat points to bring them up to their new total. No upper outliers were nerfed, if you have legendary stats, good for you! Some stats do get flip flopped to make it unique from a similar 'mon or if a stat doesn't make sense with it's Dex entry or something I tried to directly flip two stats to make it more in line with expectations (Vikavolt). Obviously, certain 'mons are going to still excel but I'm hopeful I can make it easier to play with your favorite and not get punished for it.

Part 2 of game balance is the actual in game opponents and gameplay loop/flow. This is where I think most people will have A LOT of input. Gen 2 is notorious for having some of the worst pacing and balance of any of the mainline games. I'm making progress towards fleshing out the story and including things that were maybe event exclusive in HGSS. I've also made sure my early game trainers (only ones I have done so far) level up with the player making grinding less necessary and overall a more challenging experience. What would you like to see incorporated in either of these elements of game balance?

Finally, modifiers, probably the easiest to get feedback on. I know randomization is required, currently, I have added randomization options via Randomizer X. I'm working on adding a level cap as I know some like that extra element of challenge. And finally I have support for Cable Club for online connection. What else would you like to see for optional game modifiers?

Thanks to all who read all that and provide feedback, it is greatly appreciated!

TL;DR - GSC catches a lot of heat and I'm making my own version, what would be your #1 change?