- Views: 1,305
- Replies: 8

Pokémon Decay is supposed to be a best of the first four generations.
It's intended to give the player as much nostalgia as possible by referring to the storylines of the old games.
Due to natural disasters the four regions Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh collided and became one big Region, the Talem Region.
The player wakes up and can't remember what happened. He has to find out what caused those natural disasters.
The flow of the game is similar to the original Pokémon Games:
The player has to defeat 8 Gym Leaders and the Elite Four while facing nearly all the well-known characters and evil teams of the first generations.

The Talem Region is inhabited by Pokémon from the first four generations.
Later Evolutions of those Pokémon are also included.
For self-preservation-reasons they had to adjust themself to the new environment.
That's why many of them had to change their typing.
Those Pokémon are known as Delta Species.
In total there are 129 Delta Species and 40 Evolutions and Pre-Evolutions of already existing Pokémon.

-25+ hours of gameplay
-Mechanics up to Generation 8
-New moves and abilities
-HMs as Key Items
-Costumizable Character
-Level Caps
-Post-Game with facilities like in Emerald's Battle Frontier
-Speed up Battles
-Quality of Life Upgrades

Pokémon Decay is already in its final touches right now.
If you have questions or just want to chat with us feel free to join our Discord Server :)

The Team behind Pokémon Decay:
Lead Development
Special Thanks to:
for your great Overworld Trainer Sprites
for your excellent tutorials
Ekat 99
for your outstanding Gen3 Tilesets
for letting us use your amazing Delta Sprites
The Creators of the Fakemon Festival Pack
for a fantastic Sprite Resource
The Fakemon Festival Pack was made by:
Graphic Resources:
Pokemon Reborn Team, Pokemon Desolation Team, Pokemon Rejuvenation Team,
TsubasaHolics, RandomTalkingBush, caligomilites, KingOfThe-X-Roads, Poltergeist, Miranjii,
Tonitur20, icejkai, pkmnalexandrite, j_treecko252, LimeZu, PeekyChew, Kyle-Dove,
Magiscarf, Amras Anarion, princess-phoenix, Delta2318, sylver1984, Heartlessdragoon,
Dragoon, Vurtax, HeroAlistar, PurpleAlladin, Blackpokeninja, skatefilter5,
fersure4, lolw3e932, Sagaxxy, Mikitari, niknaks93, poffincase, makattack202,
laecoris, neffertity, turmamint55, thedeadheroalistair, ogjazz, lunamaddal,
seiyouh, carchagui, dontheshark, teraneck, purplezaffre, X-5-4-5-2, Tomex7,
AshenFrost, TristantineTheGreat, HauntedArtStudio, Lava-Plume, Hek-el-grande,
Kaliser, YuukiMokuya, Phyromatical, KingTapir, Wilson, Scarloxy, CNickC, Alucus,
Minorthreat0987, EVoLiNa, Akizakura16, LuxDiablo, LuCaSBirll, alucus, StarsOverCotesa,
RegenofRaios, JoshR691, Flurmimon, Voltseon, Kristiano100, hero.drawing, 44tim44,
Antiant27, Prodigal96, meli_world, TheLuiz, LarryTurbo, Leparagon, tarantulito,
Bombbity, Pokeluka, jonnyloaf, Snidy, Wulfanator, MrGallo94, Pixelheim, Jessjackdaw,
Greatmick, CrazyChameleon, BlackSpyro, Smiley-Fakemon, Oroshibu, Maicerochico,
Dewdneym, CarnekVT, etique, Pano26, Remy, Fanking Omega, Vergolophus, Hyo,
necrolichmon, pinkscales, Sapphirewave, DropsOfMoonlight, lennybitao,
Loaky, SkidMarc25, glassbetelgeuse, Othienka, CinnaYva, CloudyDayJoy, Kryptonlion,
Litera-Sure, Morlock ,Ranko, StCooler, DarrylBD99, WolfPP, Ardicoozer, Riddlemeree,
KRLW890, Nut0066, Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp , Shashu-Greninja, BaysenAhiru427,
Teraneck, shugar-tits, Jext, PNZGames, IshiGray, duncapham, SelenaFF, Wergan
etique, WaterTrainer, Zermonious, luxrecord, acarreras
Sound Effects:
Gen 1 to Gen 7 Sound effects Pack by BellBlitzKing
Sirene by Hollywood Sounds and Stars
Cyborg by Rak Rak Sound Effects
War Drums by N Beats
Growl by Jigga
Big Bell by Audio FX Studio
Splash by Blaukreuz
Cracking Earthquake by Pixabay
Sci-Fi Sound Effect by GregorQuendel
Bomb Counter by Pixabay
Glass Shattering by Charlie Raven
Don't ever forget - Remix by Own eye music
The Cave by silver 6523
Dark Cave Game by Soundframe
Let's go to the mall by Craig Thomas & Carter Bays
Chinatown Healing by Peritune
Dystopie by Per Kiilstofte
Imperial Chinese by Shane Ivers
Energetic Rock Music by Rights Free Sound
Rushing Tiger by Kuro
Girls - Remix by Genesis & Cyndi Lauper
Jurassic Park Theme - Remix by Aj Falv
Lavender Town - Remix by Al 33444
Shaymin Battle Theme by Lizardon
Bibi und Tina by Wolfgang Schleiter & Heiko Russe
Arceus Battle Theme - Remix Luigigigas
Boss Theme by Sawsquarenoise
Leader Batte Music by Saint Dicc
Dragon Castle by Makai-symphony"
With Game Music from:
Pokemon Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu
Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen
Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Pearl/Diamond
Pokemon Black/White
Pokemon Black/White 2
Pokemon X/Y
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Team Red/Blue
Pokemon Mystery Dungeonn Exlorers of Darkness/Time
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Pokemon Conquest
Pokemon Duel
Pokemon Masters EX
Arabian Nights SNES
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Spark the Electric Jester
The Pokemon Anime
League of Legends
Modular UI Scenes by Lucidious89
Pokedex Data Page by Lucidious 89
Advanced Item Field Moves by Bergium, TechSkylander1518, Moyo, Marin, NoNonever
Caruban's Dynamic Darkness by Caruban
Clone Trainer by Grogro
Delta Speed Up by Marin, Phantombass, Mashirosakura, Golisopod User, D0vid, Manurocker95, SkyHarvester
Encounter List UI by ThatWelshOne_, raZ, Marin, Maruno ,Nuri Yuri, PurpleZaffre, Savordez,Vendily
EVs and IVs Summary Screen by Deoxysprime, SoulfulLex
Fly Animation by KleinStudio, A.I.R
Frontier Plus by SWDFM
SWDFM Utilities by SWDFM
Independent Hidden Power Type by DemICE
LevelCapsEX by Golisopod User, Nononever
v21.1 Hotfixes by Maruno
Location Signposts by PurpleZaffre, LostSoulsDev, carmaniac, Golisopod User, ENLS, spaceemotion, TechSkylander1518
Pokemon Essentials by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy, MiDas Mike, Brother1440, FL, PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper,
help-14, Rataime, IceGod64, Savordez, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta, Wachunga,
Lisa, Anthony, Venom12, Near Fantastica, Luka S.J. and everyone else who helped out
Mkxp-z by:
Lead Development
Special Thanks to:
for your great Overworld Trainer Sprites
for your excellent tutorials
Ekat 99
for your outstanding Gen3 Tilesets
for letting us use your amazing Delta Sprites
The Creators of the Fakemon Festival Pack
for a fantastic Sprite Resource
The Fakemon Festival Pack was made by:
Graphic Resources:
Pokemon Reborn Team, Pokemon Desolation Team, Pokemon Rejuvenation Team,
TsubasaHolics, RandomTalkingBush, caligomilites, KingOfThe-X-Roads, Poltergeist, Miranjii,
Tonitur20, icejkai, pkmnalexandrite, j_treecko252, LimeZu, PeekyChew, Kyle-Dove,
Magiscarf, Amras Anarion, princess-phoenix, Delta2318, sylver1984, Heartlessdragoon,
Dragoon, Vurtax, HeroAlistar, PurpleAlladin, Blackpokeninja, skatefilter5,
fersure4, lolw3e932, Sagaxxy, Mikitari, niknaks93, poffincase, makattack202,
laecoris, neffertity, turmamint55, thedeadheroalistair, ogjazz, lunamaddal,
seiyouh, carchagui, dontheshark, teraneck, purplezaffre, X-5-4-5-2, Tomex7,
AshenFrost, TristantineTheGreat, HauntedArtStudio, Lava-Plume, Hek-el-grande,
Kaliser, YuukiMokuya, Phyromatical, KingTapir, Wilson, Scarloxy, CNickC, Alucus,
Minorthreat0987, EVoLiNa, Akizakura16, LuxDiablo, LuCaSBirll, alucus, StarsOverCotesa,
RegenofRaios, JoshR691, Flurmimon, Voltseon, Kristiano100, hero.drawing, 44tim44,
Antiant27, Prodigal96, meli_world, TheLuiz, LarryTurbo, Leparagon, tarantulito,
Bombbity, Pokeluka, jonnyloaf, Snidy, Wulfanator, MrGallo94, Pixelheim, Jessjackdaw,
Greatmick, CrazyChameleon, BlackSpyro, Smiley-Fakemon, Oroshibu, Maicerochico,
Dewdneym, CarnekVT, etique, Pano26, Remy, Fanking Omega, Vergolophus, Hyo,
necrolichmon, pinkscales, Sapphirewave, DropsOfMoonlight, lennybitao,
Loaky, SkidMarc25, glassbetelgeuse, Othienka, CinnaYva, CloudyDayJoy, Kryptonlion,
Litera-Sure, Morlock ,Ranko, StCooler, DarrylBD99, WolfPP, Ardicoozer, Riddlemeree,
KRLW890, Nut0066, Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp , Shashu-Greninja, BaysenAhiru427,
Teraneck, shugar-tits, Jext, PNZGames, IshiGray, duncapham, SelenaFF, Wergan
etique, WaterTrainer, Zermonious, luxrecord, acarreras
Sound Effects:
Gen 1 to Gen 7 Sound effects Pack by BellBlitzKing
Sirene by Hollywood Sounds and Stars
Cyborg by Rak Rak Sound Effects
War Drums by N Beats
Growl by Jigga
Big Bell by Audio FX Studio
Splash by Blaukreuz
Cracking Earthquake by Pixabay
Sci-Fi Sound Effect by GregorQuendel
Bomb Counter by Pixabay
Glass Shattering by Charlie Raven
Don't ever forget - Remix by Own eye music
The Cave by silver 6523
Dark Cave Game by Soundframe
Let's go to the mall by Craig Thomas & Carter Bays
Chinatown Healing by Peritune
Dystopie by Per Kiilstofte
Imperial Chinese by Shane Ivers
Energetic Rock Music by Rights Free Sound
Rushing Tiger by Kuro
Girls - Remix by Genesis & Cyndi Lauper
Jurassic Park Theme - Remix by Aj Falv
Lavender Town - Remix by Al 33444
Shaymin Battle Theme by Lizardon
Bibi und Tina by Wolfgang Schleiter & Heiko Russe
Arceus Battle Theme - Remix Luigigigas
Boss Theme by Sawsquarenoise
Leader Batte Music by Saint Dicc
Dragon Castle by Makai-symphony"
With Game Music from:
Pokemon Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu
Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen
Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Pearl/Diamond
Pokemon Black/White
Pokemon Black/White 2
Pokemon X/Y
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Team Red/Blue
Pokemon Mystery Dungeonn Exlorers of Darkness/Time
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Pokemon Conquest
Pokemon Duel
Pokemon Masters EX
Arabian Nights SNES
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Spark the Electric Jester
The Pokemon Anime
League of Legends
Modular UI Scenes by Lucidious89
Pokedex Data Page by Lucidious 89
Advanced Item Field Moves by Bergium, TechSkylander1518, Moyo, Marin, NoNonever
Caruban's Dynamic Darkness by Caruban
Clone Trainer by Grogro
Delta Speed Up by Marin, Phantombass, Mashirosakura, Golisopod User, D0vid, Manurocker95, SkyHarvester
Encounter List UI by ThatWelshOne_, raZ, Marin, Maruno ,Nuri Yuri, PurpleZaffre, Savordez,Vendily
EVs and IVs Summary Screen by Deoxysprime, SoulfulLex
Fly Animation by KleinStudio, A.I.R
Frontier Plus by SWDFM
SWDFM Utilities by SWDFM
Independent Hidden Power Type by DemICE
LevelCapsEX by Golisopod User, Nononever
v21.1 Hotfixes by Maruno
Location Signposts by PurpleZaffre, LostSoulsDev, carmaniac, Golisopod User, ENLS, spaceemotion, TechSkylander1518
Pokemon Essentials by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy, MiDas Mike, Brother1440, FL, PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper,
help-14, Rataime, IceGod64, Savordez, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta, Wachunga,
Lisa, Anthony, Venom12, Near Fantastica, Luka S.J. and everyone else who helped out
Mkxp-z by:
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