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Welcome to The Hodgepodge Platoon! This is a small scale Pokemon Emerald Decompilation hack made by a community of Pokemon rom hackers, called "The Pebbler Platoon". In this game, you play as the old, wise protagonist Tawila, as they try to earn their reputation in the battle facility and discover all the Pokemon there are to see in this land. Speaking of, the main draw of this hack is the 80+ usable Fakemon, all lovingly designed and sprites by members of our team. Each of them has a fine-tuned set to use, with many moves, abilities, and held items spanning all generations. Not only that, but we have many tweaks and brand new moves, abilities, and items to play around with.
Full feature list:
- Refined version of Pokemon Emerald's Battle Factory rental-and-swap ruleset
- 80+ usable Fakemon from 20+ different artists
- 60+ more Fakemon to be unlocked in the Pokedex
- A profusion of moves, abilities, items, and other battle features from every generation, along with newly crafted ones coded by us
- A better Battle AI that more appropriately reacts to the player's efforts
- Extended move, ability and item descriptions and all Pokemon related information available in-game, so you don't have to look at documentation so often
- Extended text limits for the Pokedex, allowing for in-depth lore for every Pokemon
- A small narrative throughline as Tawila completes their Pokedex, with them striking up a camaraderie with the facility's owner, Lanette
Screenshots (No Spoilers):
Current Version V1.4.0 Download:
Project Credits:
Chairry, Livra & Sadfish - Project Leads
Livra, Ogwon, SharkGuy, Yondi/FBI, Bepis, Lichen, Dahlia, EeVeeEe, Ty_Sprites, Dillsacke, BigBoiPablo, Enwaitea, Val, PurrfectDoodle, Plasto, Memelord, DahViper, GaboSwampert, BonzosBunker, Celadonk, Clove, Cuprite, Savannah, TardySoap - Art and Sprite Design
Sadfish, Ghoulslash, Wiz1989, Shuckle Lord Mixone, SparkleButt/mcnomnom, BSBob, Mudskipper13 - Coding
Chairry - Map Design and Scripting
TrainerX493 - Extensive Tester
Pret, RHH, and Pokemon Emerald Expansion - Decompilation & Code Base
Special Thanks to the rest of the Pebbler Platoon for playing and supporting the hack before release!
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