• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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Recruiting Pokemon Otherworlds

This thread's author is looking for long-term team members.

No pro bro

Jun 9, 2021
Hi I'm NPB, Pokemon Otherworlds is my first (and only) game that came out in Summer Game jame #9
You can check it out here : https://eeveeexpo.com/threads/7036/

TLDR : Dumb Multiverse game where you are trying to get back home but just keep getting away from it
The game is made in Essentials v20.1

Some of the features :

• Overworld activities like stealth mechanics,Klevour fight,Meteor mashing on rayquaza etc.

• Graphics change to different art styles due to multiverse jumping.

• Battles look different based on not only the universe you are in but also the environment (upside down Cyrus fight).

• Dumb plot that even the in game character doesn't take that seriously but by the end some of the consequences catch up to him.

I recently updated the game to Beta 1.6 and realised i am in heavy need of help if i want to finish the game before the year ends(Its already been delayed by a year)
The game already feels clunky and my dialogue writing can be compared to a dysfunctional toaster. Changing decisions on the go and only going by a rough sketch of the plot has also affected the devlopment,That mixed with half of per day attending college and my approach to hitting my head against the wall till stuff happens has caused even further delays.

So all that is to say i need help lol

I'm looking to recruit: A planner/dialogue writer, A mapper,A spriter and A Scripter/Eventer


This is my first game and im not that serious about it so even if you are a beginner feel free to join

If anyone is interested you can join the discord server and ping me there : Discord Server
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